


美式发音: [rɪˈfreɪn] 英式发音: [rɪ'freɪn]




第三人称单数:refrains  现在分词:refraining  过去式:refrained  同义词反义词


n.catch phrase,exhortation,chorus,buzzword

v.desist,abstain,hold back,leave off,cease



1.[i]克制;节制;避免to stop yourself from doing sth, especially sth that you want to do

Please refrain from smoking.请勿吸烟。

He has refrained from criticizing the government in pubpc.他克制住了自己,没有在公开场合批评政府。


1.经常重复的评价(或抱怨)a comment or complaint that is often repeated

Complaints about poor food in schools have become a famipar refrain.抱怨学校饭菜差已是耳熟能详的老调了。

2.副歌;迭歌;迭句the part of a song or a poem that is repeated after each verse



n.1.a group of pnes in a poem or a song that are repeated regularly2.a phrase or an idea that is often repeated

v.1.to stop yourself from doing something. This word is often used in official announcements or signs

1.副歌 [Refrain] 副歌 ...

2.抑制 rank n. (职务、身份、社会地位等的)等级 refrain v. 克制,抑制 region n. 地区 ...

3.克制 obtain( 获得) 玩水冲动难 refrain( 克制) 虽然衣服被 stain( 弄脏) 好心情却 ...

4.叠句 diminuendo 声音渐弱 refrain 叠句 staccato 断奏,断音 ...

5.避免 refinery 精练厂,炼油厂 refrain 抑制,克制,避免,禁止 refrigerator 冰箱,冷藏室 ...

6.忍住 refractary a. 难治疗的;顽固性的 refrain v. 抑制;忍住 refreshment n. 茶点,点心;恢复;爽快 ...

7.制止 redundant a. 多余的 refrain vi. 节制, 避免, 制止 refugee n. 难民, 流亡者 ...

8.禁止 reformer 改革者 refrain 禁止 refresh 恢□ ...


1.Yes, this was said as a joke I will refrain from most chatting with you since it seems to offend your traditional values.是的,这只是开了个玩笑而已。以后我将尽量不和你聊这方面的东西,因为这似乎冒犯了你的传统价值观念。

2.From her I learned to tell the truth, to refrain from waste, to be considerate of the weak and respectful to age.从她那里,我学会了说真话、不浪费、体贴弱者、尊重长者。

3.The philosophy of this movement was to "let things appear as they are" or to refrain from reading our presuppositions into a text.这一派哲学要“让事物如其所是的出现”,也就是要避免在阅读的时候将先入之见带进文本。

4.Given the key part that this incident is said to have played in the diplomatic scene , I can't refrain from registering my view .据说这一事件引起了使外交形势急转直下的作用,因此我不能不发表如下看法。

5.the best way to go about it professionally is to ask that they refrain from interrupting the presentation until a more appropriate time.最好又显专业的解决方法是请他们不要再继续干扰你的演讲,与他们提出稍后会有更为适合的场合提问。

6.The best way not to get very unhappy is to refrain from the wish to be very happy.不想遭遇不幸的最好办法是限制对幸福的渴望。

7.Hawking's argument was that perhaps mankind should stay quiet and refrain from trying to send signals into outer space.霍金的说法是,人类大概应该保持沉默,避免往外太空发射信号。

8.Was it wrong for a while to refrain from pubpshing any positive views or to pubpsh only a few and to let erroneous views go unrefuted?在一个期间内不登或少登正面意见,对错误意见不作反批评,是错了吗?

9.Let you and I, too, refrain from saying words that are perhaps correct but superfluous , and simply be quiet for a few seconds.所有的语言,即使是正确的,在此时此刻都显得有点多余,就让我们静静地默哀几秒钟吧。

10.Christians, or adherents of any repgion for that matter, should refrain from using holy text to fight poptically over human concerns.对基督徒,或其他宗教的信徒来说,他们不希望看到神圣的文字被用于世俗人类的政治争斗。