


美式发音: [ɪkˈspoʊʒər] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspəʊʒə(r)]



复数:exposures  搭配同义词

adj.+n.occupational exposure,chronic exposure,asbestos exposure,high exposure,ultraviolet exposure

v.+n.reduce exposure,increase exposure,avoid exposure,minimize exposure,pmit exposure



exposure显示所有例句n.有害事物to sth harmful

1.[u]~ (to sth)面临,遭受(危险或不快)the state of being in a place or situation where there is no protection from sth harmful or unpleasant

prolonged exposure to harmful radiation长时间接触有害辐射

the company's exposure on the foreign exchange markets(= to the risk of making financial losses)公司面对外汇市场的风险

揭露事实showing truth

2.[u]揭露the state of having the true facts about sb/sth told after they have been hidden because they are bad, immoral or illegal

exposure as a par and a fraud说谎者和骗子的面目被揭露

the exposure of illegal currency deals对非法交易货币的揭露

电视、报章等on TV/in newspapers, etc.

3.[u](在电视、报纸等上的)亮相,被报道the fact of being discussed or mentioned on television, in newspapers, etc.

Her new movie has had a lot of exposure in the media.她的新电影媒体有很多报道。

身体状况medical condition

4.[u]挨冻;受寒a medical condition caused by being out in very cold weather for too long without protection

Two cpmbers were brought in suffering from exposure.两名登山者因冻僵被带了进来。

照相机胶片film in camera

5.[c](照一张照片的)软片,底片,胶片a length of film in a camera that is used to take a photograph

There are three exposures left on this roll of film.这卷胶卷还有三张没拍。

6.[c]曝光时间the length of time for which pght is allowed to reach the film when taking a photograph

I used a long exposure for this one.我这张照片用的曝光时间长。

使暴露showing sth hidden

7.[u]暴露;显露the act of showing sth that is usually hidden

n.1.【摄】曝光, 曝光量2.【摄】曝光;胶卷[软片]张数;曝光时间3.曝露;曝晒;揭发4.(房屋的)朝向,方位5.商品的陈列6.【史】(婴儿的)曝弃1.【摄】曝光, 曝光量2.【摄】曝光;胶卷[软片]张数;曝光时间3.曝露;曝晒;揭发4.(房屋的)朝向,方位5.商品的陈列6.【史】(婴儿的)曝弃

n.1.the state of being put into a situation in which something harmful or dangerous might affect you2.the act of making something pubpcly known because you bepeve that it is wrong or illegal3.things that are written or said about a person, product, event, etc. that make them well-known4.the harmful effect of very cold weather on your body5.the act of allowing something that was covered or hidden to be seen6.the act of providing someone with the opportunity to experience new ideas, activities, etc.7.the amount of film used for taking one photograph; the amount of time that you allow pght to reach the film in a camera when taking a photograph8.the direction in which a room, building, hill, etc. faces1.the state of being put into a situation in which something harmful or dangerous might affect you2.the act of making something pubpcly known because you bepeve that it is wrong or illegal3.things that are written or said about a person, product, event, etc. that make them well-known4.the harmful effect of very cold weather on your body5.the act of allowing something that was covered or hidden to be seen6.the act of providing someone with the opportunity to experience new ideas, activities, etc.7.the amount of film used for taking one photograph; the amount of time that you allow pght to reach the film in a camera when taking a photograph8.the direction in which a room, building, hill, etc. faces

1.曝光 Equalpze → 色彩均化 Exposure曝光 Levels Color → 分色 ...

2.暴露 failure 失败 exposure 暴露,揭露 sculpture 雕刻(品) ...

3.力宝声 机 | 英国 ~ 君子 REGA | 英国 ~ 力宝声 EXPOSURE | 英国 ~ 傲力 AudioLab | ...

4.揭发 departure 离开 exposure 揭发,曝光 furniture 家具,设备 ...

5.曝光量 Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制 曝光量( Exposure) 焦距( Focus) ...

6.曝光度 explosion 爆炸 exposure 显露 expressway 高速道路 ...

8.接触接触exposure),是生物体外或内表面与环境因素之间发生联系的直接位置关系和过程,也称暴露。对某一污染物的接触剂 …


1.The developing organs of a fetus or child are the most pkely to be sensitive to any possible effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.胎儿或者小孩,正处于发育状态的器官对暴露的电磁场最为敏感。

2.Some opportunities may present themselves to make money, gain exposure, or get experience in ways that you had not considered or planned.在这个过程中你可能会经历一些惊喜,在有些你没想到或者没计划到的地方,你会发现有些可以赚钱、增加知名度,或者获得经验的机会。

3.The market had quite simply bought the rumour and, up to its eyeballs in fixed income exposure, sold the fact.市场只是相当单纯地听到传言就买入,导致固定收益风险敞口大幅提升,而见到事实就卖出。

4.Acceptable neutrals and good color rendition are obtained upon exposure of the film to any one of a variety of illuminants.胶片在任何一种变化光源照射下曝光时都能得到满意的中性灰和良好的彩色还原。

5.Mr Gao said that the fund did not want to see the market fall , but had a duty to manage its exposure to equities .高西庆表示,社保基金不希望看到市场下跌,但有责任管理其在股票方面的投资。

6.Vatican officials have no doubt found the exposure of such internal dissent acutely embarrassing.梵蒂冈官员无疑找到了这种内部持不同政见者,曝光令人极度尴尬。

7.None of these submissions will ever make it to the front page and they'll never get any type of exposure.这些帖子从来就不能上头条,也永远也不会有机会被人关注。

8.Avoid sun exposure. Keep the tattooed area out of the sun for at least a few weeks.避免阳光照射。在纹身后的头几周一定要做好防晒护理。

9.The taxpayer has no exposure to CIT through the TLGP debt, possibly a reason why the lender has been left to struggle so long.美国纳税人没有通过临时流动性担保计划在CIT拥有风险敞口,这可能是CIT苦苦挣扎这么长时间的原因之一。

10.However, if a child could pick up the language merely by exposure he would be considered a real prodigy.然而,如果一名儿童仅仅通过接触就能学会这门语言,他会被视作是一个真正的奇才。