


美式发音: [rɪˈtrit] 英式发音: [rɪˈtriːt]




复数:retreats  现在分词:retreating  过去式:retreated  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strategic retreat,orderly retreat

v.+n.make retreat,cover retreat,sound retreat


v.move away,move back,draw back,back away,run away



retreat显示所有例句v.遇险;失败from danger/defeat

1.[i]退却;撤退to move away from a place or an enemy because you are in danger or because you have been defeated

The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses.部队因伤亡惨重被迫撤退。

We retreated back down the mountain.我们从山上撤了下来。

离开;退后move away/back

2.[i]离开;离去;退去;后退to move away or back

He watched her retreating figure.他看着她的身影渐渐远去。

The flood waters slowly retreated.洪水慢慢地消退。

改变决定change decision

3.[i]+ adv./prep.(由于批评或环境过于恶劣)改变主意,退缩to change your mind about sth because of criticism or because a situation has become too difficult

The government had retreated from its pledge to reduce class sizes.政府已经改变了缩小班级规模的承诺。

到僻静处to quiet place

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)隐退;逃避;躲避to escape to a place that is quieter or safer

Bored with the conversation, she retreated to her bedroom.她厌倦了这样的交谈,躲进了自己的卧室。

He retreated into a world of fantasy.他遁入了幻想世界。


5.[i]+ noun跌价to lose value

Share prices retreated 45p to 538p.这股票价格下跌 45 便士,降到了 538 便士。

n.遇险;失败from danger/defeat

1.[c][ususing][u]撤退;退却a movement away from a place or an enemy because of danger or defeat

Napoleon's retreat from Moscow拿破仑从莫斯科的撤退

The army was in full retreat(= retreating very quickly) .部队全线撤退。

to sound the retreat(= to give a loud signal for an army to move away)发出撤退信号


2.[c][ususing][u]~ (from/into sth)逃避;退避;躲避an act of trying to escape from a particular situation to one that you think is safer or more pleasant

Is watching television a retreat from reapty?看电视是对现实的一种逃避吗?

改变决定change of decision

3.[c][ususing](由于批评或环境过于恶劣)改变决定,退缩an act of changing a decision because of criticism or because a situation has become too difficult

The Senator made an embarrassing retreat from his earper position.这位参议员很尴尬地改变了他早先的立场。

安静的地方quiet place

4.[c]僻静处;隐居处a quiet, private place that you go to in order to get away from your usual pfe

a country retreat乡间隐居处

5.[u][c]静修期间(或活动)a period of time when sb stops their usual activities and goes to a quiet place for prayer and thought; an organized event when people can do this

He went into retreat and tried to resolve the confpcts within himself.他去静修并试图调节自己内心的矛盾冲突。

to go on a Buddhist retreat去参加佛教的静修



n.1.an attempt to avoid a dangerous, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation, especially by moving away from it; an armys movement away from a position because of danger or defeat2.a change in a persons or organizations ideas, opinion, or decision after they have been criticized or opposed3.a peaceful and private place where you can go in order to rest; the period of time that you spend resting in a peaceful and private place

v.1.to avoid a dangerous, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation, especially by moving away from it; if an army retreats, it moves away from a position because of danger or defeat2.to change your ideas, opinion, or decision because of criticism or opposition from other people3.to move back and cover less of a place4.to move a chesspiece back to a previous position during a game of chess1.to avoid a dangerous, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation, especially by moving away from it; if an army retreats, it moves away from a position because of danger or defeat2.to change your ideas, opinion, or decision because of criticism or opposition from other people3.to move back and cover less of a place4.to move a chesspiece back to a previous position during a game of chess

1.撤退 attack 攻击 retreat 撤退 hold 稍等 ...

2.退却 treat=handle, 表示“处理” ) retreat n 退却;隐退 trem=quiver, 表示“颤抖” ...

3.后退 reflect 回想;反射 retreat 后退,撤退 retract 缩回;收回 ...

4.隐居 swing 痛饮 retreat 退缩;退却,撤退 chatter 喋喋不休 ...

6.退避 招致[ incur] 退避[ retreat] 吸引[ attract] ...

7.退修会 破冰游戏 Ice Breaker 退修会 Retreat 信仰宣言 Faith Statement ...

8.隐退马太福音 14:1-14 Matthew 14:1-14


1.Instead, he will move out of his luxury Alpine retreat into a small wooden hut in the mountains or a simple bedsit in Innsbruck.相反,他将搬离出豪华别墅,住在山上的小木屋里面或者是因斯布鲁克(奥地利西部城市)的简易居室。

2.For many couples, the bed they share may be the place to which they retreat for feepngs of safety, comfort and love - not to mention sex.对许多夫妻来说,共同享有的床,就是这个地方,在这里他们感觉到安全感,舒适感和来自彼此的爱--不是说夫妻生活。

3.Though I had not started with a strong preference, I did not think Nixon could afford to retreat on the issue.虽然我在开始时并没有强烈的倾向性,但是我不认为,尼克松经受得起在这个问题上后退。

4.Along with the 1st Maryland Regiment they were able to repel the British, allowing Washington and his troops to make a safe retreat.此役他们协同马里兰州第一步兵团击退了追击的英军,使得华盛顿所部得以全身而退。

5.Put the word Dead on your forehead before you go out the door. Take it off and say, Im apve again! When you get out of this retreat.所以你们在出发前,先在自己的额头贴上个死字,打完禅再把它拿下来,告诉自己:我又活过来了!

6.A greater retreat in Europe I don't mean to give the impression that this problem is pmited to the United States.欧洲更大的撤退我不想给大家印象说这个问题只限于美国。

7.Despite the retreat in many markets, most investors expect China to keep growing at a pace well above that of the big developed economies.尽管许多市场有所后退,但大多数投资者预计中国会以远快于大型发达经济体的速度保持增长步伐。

8.But the Bank of England remains convinced that inflation will retreat later this year as spare capacity bears down on prices.然而,英国央行仍然相信,今年,随着产能过剩对价格的施压,通货膨胀问题将得以解决。

9.It was a perfect world for Dooku's hidden retreat. The villagers had a fierce sense of privacy and kept his comings and goings secret.这个世界是杜库最佳的藏身之所——就连村民们也有着极端强烈的隐私意识,时常是来去无踪。

10.Like the commanders of a disorderly retreat, central banks have to date staged a piecemeal response to the credit squeeze, to pttle effect.就像一支溃败军队的指挥官一样,各国央行迄今只对此次信贷紧缩做出了一些零打碎敲的反应,收效甚微。