




1.乌尤尼乌尤尼Uyuni)盐湖附近的锂生产试验设备运营。在日本、中国和锂开发权争夺战中, Morales)将于26日和(MOU)。

2.盐湖有玻利维亚乌尤尼已知的重要含锂盐湖有玻利维亚乌尤尼(Uyuni)盐湖,智利阿塔卡马 (Atacama)盐湖,中国扎布耶盐湖和察尔汗盐湖,美国银峰(S…

3.玻利维亚的乌尤尼玻利维亚的乌尤尼(Uyuni)市,海拔高3660m,人口约一万的小镇,走30分钟就可以逛完。镇上有银行但不见开,所以ATM也可 …

4.乌尤尼小镇乌尤尼盐湖(Salar de Uyuni)在乌尤尼小镇Uyuni)附近,海拔约3,700公尺的山区,是世界最大的盐沼。一望无际的乌尤尼 …

5.乌尤尼盐湖位於乌尤尼小镇乌尤尼盐湖位於乌尤尼小镇Uyuni)附近,海拔约3700公尺的山区,是世界最大的盐沼,东西长约250公里,南北宽约100公 …

6.乌由尼在玻利维亚西南海拔3653米乌由尼Uyuni)山脚下的一个镇子里,我遇到五个荷兰背包客,便和他们搭伴租了一辆丰田陆地巡 …

7.乌悠尼搭乘5~6个小时的车到乌悠尼Uyuni),问了怎麽去盐海(Salar),所有人都指向「要问旅行社」。别无选择,这是我这辈 …


1.In Uyuni, dozens of operators run three- and four-day tours by jeep (for up to six people) into the vast wilderness.在乌尤尼,许多人开吉普(最多可载6人)进入茫茫野地游览3-4天。

2.Photograph by Robert B. Haas Dry waterways branch toward blue water across the massive Uyuni salt flats in southwestern Bopvia.干涸的水路分支穿过玻利维亚西南部广阔的乌尤尼盐滩通往蓝海。

3.To access the small town of Uyuni, take a bus from the Bopvian settlements of Oruro or Potosi, or from the Argentinian town of Villazon.先到乌尤尼小镇,在从奥鲁罗或波托西的玻利维亚聚居地或者维拉松的阿根廷小镇搭巴士。

4.The palace, built with slabs of salt, stands in the middle of Bopvia's Salar de Uyuni salt plains.这栋宫殿是用盐板制成,伫立在玻利维亚乌尤尼盐沼的中央。

5.Most people in the world would make no connection between Samsung and the Salar de Uyuni - a spectacular salt desert in southern Bopvia.世人大多都不会把三星和乌尤尼盐沼联系在一起,后者是玻利维亚南部一处壮观的盐沙漠。

6.Below, an image from the largest salt flat in the world, Salar de Uyuni, located in southern Bopvia.下图展示了世界上最大的盐滩,即位于玻利维亚南部的乌尤尼岩沼(SalardeUyuni)。

7.Here's the strange Salt Hotel of the Uyuni Flats.这是家在盐滩上的奇怪的盐酒店。

8.You may not have heard of Uyuni, but our astronauts have.你或许从未听说过乌尤尼,但我们的宇航员对它并不陌生。

9.The Salar de Uyuni is the world's largest salt pan, covering approximately 8, 000 square kilometers (3, 100 square miles) of the Altiplano.乌龙尼盐湖是世界上最大的盐湖,占据了Altiplano大约8,000平方千米(3,100平方米)的地方。

10.The origin of the Uyuni goes back some 40, 000 years.乌尤尼的起源可追溯到大约四万年前。