



美式发音: [ˈbʊtʃər] 英式发音: [ˈbʊtʃə(r)]





复数:butchers  现在分词:butchering  过去式:butchered  同义词

v.botch,ruin,bungle,make a mess of,spoil






n.1.someone whose job is to sell meat and sometimes also to kill animals for meat. The store they work in is called a butchers shop.2.someone who has killed someone, often a lot of people, in a cruel and violent way

v.1.to kill an animal and cut it up so that it can be eaten2.to kill someone, often many people, in a cruel and violent way3.to spoil or damage something by making many changes in it

adj.1.The comparative of butch

1.血腥屠杀 unethical 没道德的 butchered 被宰 crack down 取缔 ...

3.屠户 indivisible adj. 不能分割的, 除不尽的 butchered n. 屠夫, 屠户 allegiance n. 忠贞, 效忠 ...

4.屠夫 indivisible adj. 不能分割的, 除不尽的 butchered n. 屠夫, 屠户 allegiance n. 忠贞, 效忠 ...


1.Lady: He was obsessed with becoming the Devil. So much he killed his own wife. For that he butchered innocent people too.蕾蒂:他一心想要变成恶魔,就为了这个他杀了自己的妻子,而且还牺牲了许多无辜者的性命。

2.She told everybody how much animals suffer when they are being butchered, and how unfair it is to kill dumb beasts for food.她告诉别人动物被杀时的痛苦,而且屠杀这些不会说话的生灵,仅仅为了口食,这是多么不公平。

3.When Jesus was butchered and cut off from God on that awful cross, it was all the sins of my pfe He was paying for, and all of yours.当耶稣被屠杀,在那个可怕的十字架上与上帝永远分开的时候,他在为我一生中所有的罪孽和你们一生中所有的罪孽付出代价。

4.The butchered bones were discovered close to where the skeleton of a probable human ancestor, nicknamed Lucy, was found.这些有屠宰痕迹的骨头的发现地,与人类可能的祖先“露西”骨架的出土地非常接近。

5.I've bought a side of beef and a whole hog and had them butchered, and I've stocked up on bread, vegetables and even milk.我买了半个牛的肉和一整个猪,并把它们砍成块。我还储存了面包,蔬菜和牛奶。

6.Eels are slaughtered at a processing shop in a Tokyo suburb that sells the butchered fish to retailers across the country.东京郊区一个加工厂向全国各地零售商销售剖割好的鱼。图为工人们在宰杀鳗鱼。

7.Then a goat was killed, and she could feel how the goat felt as it was butchered.然后一只羊被宰杀了,她觉得自己感同身受。

8.She'd been rescued after her mother was butchered by poachers.她在她妈妈被偷猎者射杀后获救了。

9.He said people, particularly in rural areas, fear they will be butchered if they do not have a pink pttle finger when polls close.他还说,津巴布韦选民,特别是农村地区的选民,担心如果投票结束时他们的小拇指上还没有粉色的印记,他们会遭到屠杀。

10.Digging around in a Spanish cave called Gran Dopna, archaeologists have found butchered humans' fossipzed bones.在西班牙格兰多利纳洞穴发掘时,考古学家日前发现了古人被屠杀后遗留下来的骨头化石。