



美式发音: [ˈbekən] 英式发音: ['bekən]



第三人称单数:beckons  现在分词:beckoning  过去式:beckoned  同义词反义词





v.1.to signal to someone to come toward you2.if something beckons to you, it is very attractive and you feel you have to do something to get it

1.召唤 ... brazen adj. 黄铜制的, 厚颜无耻的 beckoned v. 招手, 召唤 radius n. 半径, 范围, 辐射光线, 有效航程, 范围, 界限 ...

2.招手 ... brazen adj. 黄铜制的, 厚颜无耻的 beckoned v. 招手, 召唤 radius n. 半径, 范围, 辐射光线, 有效航程, 范围, 界限 ...


1.But she, with a glance at the drawing-room door, beckoned Gerald to follow her and spd out of the front door.然而她朝会客室房门瞥了一眼,点头招呼杰拉尔德跟随她溜出前门。

2.A man beckoned on me after the wind, he said his name was Mohammed.在风浪平静下来后,一个人朝我招手,他说他的名字叫穆罕默德。

3.One morning as the expert approached and beckoned for him to hold out his hand, he was about to blurt out that he could go on no longer.一天早上专家过来叫他摊开手,他刚想说他再不能这样继续下去了。

4.As Nim elbowed his way outward through the crowd, Yale beckoned a popceman and identified himself.当尼姆挤出人群的时候,耶尔抬手叫来了一个警察,又说明了自己的身分。

5.One of the suite beckoned to the soldiers holding the flags to come up and set up the flag staffs around the commander-in-chief.他的一个随从人员向拿着法国军旗的士兵们招了招手,叫他们走过来把这些军旗摆放在总司令的周围。

6.We were sorry to leave after just one night as we felt that there was much more to see, but Munich beckoned.我们感到这里一定有更多的东西可看,所以为只呆了一夜就离开而感到很遗憾。但是慕尼黑在召唤了。

7.Ex-cop Fernando Flores, 29, said Britney often paraded naked in front of him and beckoned him into her bedroom.29岁的费尔南多·佛洛瑞斯曾是一名警员,他称布兰妮常常在他面前光着身子走来走去,有时还会要求他到她的卧室里。

8.A girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in.站在洞口的一个姑娘摆手叫他进去。

9."Damned old bitch, " the man hissed. "She almost broke my back, " he added, as he beckoned to his men to collect the objects.“老臭婊子,”他嘟囔着说。“她都要把我的背打断了,”他叫他在人去收拾东西的时候,他又说道。

10.Why could we not avert our eyes from her ? Was it because she beckoned ? Or was there something else we longed for?为何我们的视线无法从她身上移开?是因为她的召唤,还是那里有我们的渴望?。