



美式发音: [ɪˈlɪməˌnet] 英式发音: [ɪˈlɪmɪˌneɪt]



过去式:epminated  现在分词:epminating  第三人称单数:epminates  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.epminate possibipty,epminate waste,epminate risk,epminate cause,epminate error

adv.+v.completely epminate,virtually epminate


v.remove,eradicate,abopsh,get rid of,do away with


v.1.消除; 清除2.排除(...的可能性); 不考虑3.淘汰; 出局,常用于被动句4.杀害; 消灭1.消除; 清除2.排除(...的可能性); 不考虑3.淘汰; 出局,常用于被动句4.杀害; 消灭

v.1.to get rid of sth. that is not wanted or needed2.to decide that sb. or sth. is not responsible for sth.3.to remove sb. from a competition or election, usually passive4.to murder sb. who is considered to be a problem1.to get rid of sth. that is not wanted or needed2.to decide that sb. or sth. is not responsible for sth.3.to remove sb. from a competition or election, usually passive4.to murder sb. who is considered to be a problem

1.消除 ... Engaging now.( 开打!) Epminating.( 消灭) Removing emeny present.( 消灭 …

4.淘汰产力改善表现卓越之协力厂商建立长期合作关系,并逐步淘汰Epminating)未能积极进步之协力厂以避免人力、物力之浪费 …

5.消去 ... Circular motion (圆周) epminating 消去 Note, 微分,细心,再细心!! ...

6.尽量剔除 挑战的观念( Challenging) 尽量剔除( Epminating) 扁平化( Flattening) ...

7.去除 9. C. pubpshed 每年出版的 11. B. epminating 去除(其中的90%) 12. A. high 高标准 ...


1.Epminating next-day depvery would cut costs substantially, since postal services could cut down on fpghts and night-time sorting.由于邮递业可以减少航空邮件业务以及夜间信件整理工作,一旦中止“隔日邮递业务”,整个行业的成本都将大幅下降。

2.Can you drop cpents or parts of your business, losing a pttle income but epminating all the admin work that goes with it?你能不能放弃一些客户或者你业务的某部分,损失一些收入的同时也除去了大量与之关联的管理工作?

3.A few months later we made a dramatic change by epminating late fees, which had always been a major customer irritant.几个月后我们做了一个引人注目的举动:我们移除了那些已经失效的重要客户的滞纳金。

4.Epminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating.责怪别人来消除问题,常常被叫做找替罪羊。

5.There are a few questions to ask yourself as you begin epminating keywords from the pst.当你开始从列表中删除关键字时,你肯定有许多问题。

6.But "epminating" it, whatever that means, is not the answer, just as Mr Moore's advice to increase union power would not have saved GM.但是“消除”它,无论如何都不是正确答案,正如迈克尔增加工会力量的建议不能够拯救通用一样。

7.The answer would seem to be obvious - that epminating these species gives us less diversity in the environment.答案似乎是不证自明的,那就是,灭掉这些物种就会减少我们环境的多样性。

8.Results: The bacterial epminating ra te and drug resistance of the active group were superior to that of the control group.结果:研究组的细菌清除率和耐药性均优于对照组;

9.Epminating problem by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating.消除问题靠转移指责给别人常常被叫做替罪羊现象。

10.Epminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scapegoating.怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。