


美式发音: [ˈberə] 英式发音: [ˈbeirə]





un.1.port and capital of Sofala Province, eastern Mozambique, on the Mozambique Channel.

1.贝拉 Tripop 的黎波里 Beira 贝拉 Maputo 马普托 ...

2.莫桑比克 50 Bassein 勃生 缅甸 孟加拉湾 52 Beira 贝拉 莫桑比克 东非 54 Belawan 乌拉湾 印尼 东南亚 ...

3.贝拉市 Bassein 勃生缅甸孟加拉湾 Beira 贝拉莫桑比克东非 Berbera 伯贝拉索马里东非 ...

5.贝拉港 Agadir 阿加迪尔 Beira 贝拉机场 Beira 贝拉 ...

7.贝拉网 Beihai 86 北海 Beira 贝伊拉 Beiruit 961 贝鲁特 ...


1.This film has given an account of a girl who is called Beira and a chilly beautiful love story being called Edward's vampire.这部电影讲述了一个名叫贝拉的女孩和一个名叫爱德华的吸血鬼的凄美的爱情故事。

2.Beira to the end of play Role, scored to win the ball, he always done well.贝拉能够扮演终结者角色,能够打进制胜球,他总能完成的很好。

3.The Kerry Beira was the kind discovers most early in 1999.克里贝拉属类最早发现于1999年。

4.In fact, our time discovered the Kerry Beira is two different species, its specimen gathering between is away from is close.实际上,我们此次所发现的克里贝拉属的两个不同物种,其标本采集地之间距离非常接近。

5.The city is the terminal of the Beira railroad, the oldest railway system in Mozambique.这座城市是贝拉铁路的重点,也是莫桑比克最古老的铁路系统。

6.Palestinian Beira Italy type leisure dining room, Tangshan general agent.巴贝拉意式休闲餐厅、唐山总代理。

7.This pps which compels is imprinted in the Beira heart, regarding Jacob's sentiment, Beira already could not clear off.这被逼的一吻深印在贝拉心中,对于雅各布的感情,贝拉已经理不清了。

8.MOZAMBIQUE: A Chinese entrepreneur at his logging depot in Beira city.莫桑比克:一名中国企业家在位于贝拉市属于自己的伐木仓库。

9.This competition lets us understand Beira , he is an inborn murderer.这场比赛让我们更了解贝拉,他是个天生杀手。

10.Chinese investors have announced plans to build a new railway between Beira and the town of Moatize.中国投资者宣布计划在贝拉和莫阿迪则(Moatize)市之间修建一条新的铁路。