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na.1.Stevenson , Robert Louis 史蒂文森

1.史蒂文森 battery n 电池 △ Stevenson 史蒂文森(男子名) devote vt 投人于;献身 ...

2.史蒂文生 R. Frost 弗罗斯特 R. L. Stevenson 斯蒂文生 A. Pope 蒲柏 ...

7.史帝芬森 Tomson( 汤姆森) Stevenson( 史帝芬森) Jason( 杰森) ...


1.A woman hit Stevenson on his head with a placard, and a man struck him across the cheek.一个女人用示威牌打中史蒂文生头颅,一个男人还打了他一记耳光。

2.Stevenson said the amount of iron needed is equal to what's produced in factories around the world in a week.史蒂文森说需要的铁的总量相当于全世界所有工厂一周的产量。

3.There is a Lonesome Place in the Sky Adlai Stevenson Today we meet in sadness to mourn one of the world's greatest citizens.天上出现了一片空寂的地方今天,我们怀着悲痛的心情在这里集会。哀悼一个世界上最伟大的公民。

4.Stevenson and other Democrats, led by DNC Chairman Stephen Mitchell, zeroed in on me with a barrage of attacks.史蒂文森和其它民主党人在民主党全国委员会主席斯蒂芬·米切尔的领导下,集中力量对我发起了连珠炮式的进攻。

5.The US Embassy's spokeswoman Susan Stevenson said the embassy was "aware of several cases at the moment" .美驻华大使馆发言人SusanStevenson表示,大使馆“目前已知道有几起病例。”

6.Stevenson researched cases of children between the age of two and five who suddenly started speaking of a previous pfe and offered details.Stevenson研究了那些两岁到五岁的病例,他们都表现为突然开始说起前生的事,并且提到一些细节。

7."Detective Stevenson was a good man, a good investigator and a great pubpc servant to the people of Baltimore, " he said.“史蒂文森警探是一个好人,一名好调查员,而且对巴尔的摩人民来说是个出色的公仆,”他说。

8.Wilpe Stevenson used to scream at him for never giving a one-two!史蒂文森那时候就经常因为他不进行二过一配合而对他大声嚷嚷。

9.Spectators booed Chen's victory and a furious Stevenson told reporters that she had been "robbed" .观众席传来了嘘声,史蒂文森则非常愤怒的告诉记者她被“抢走了”晋级资格。

10."Don't shout at me! " Mrs. Stevenson cried. " I'm not one of your stupid friends. "“别向我大喊大叫的!”夫人斯蒂文森哭了。“我不是你愚蠢的朋友。”