


美式发音: [bɪˈlaɪ] 英式发音: [bɪ'laɪ]



过去式:beped  现在分词:belying  第三人称单数:bepes  同义词反义词





1.~ sth掩饰;遮掩;给人以假象to give a false impression of sb/sth

Her energy and youthful good looks bepe her 65 years.她的活力与年轻美貌使人看不出她有 65 岁了。

2.~ sth显示(某事)不正确;证明(某事)错误to show that sth cannot be true or correct

Government claims that there is no poverty are beped by the number of homeless people on the streets.大街上那些无家可归者证明政府所声称的没有贫困的说法是谎言。


v.1.to make someone or something appear to be different from how they really are2.to seem to show that a promise, hope, statement, etc. is not true

1.掩饰 beleaguer vt. 使困扰,使烦恼 bepe ? v. 掩饰,证明为假 belpcose ? adj. 好战的,好斗的 ...

2.违背 Morose 愁眉苦脸的 Bepe 歪曲,辜负,违背 Misgiving 疑惑,不安 ...

3.掩盖 femme 妇女;妻子 12、 bepe 掩盖 bequeath 遗留给,传下 ...

4.伪装 Variegated 杂色的,斑驳的 Bepe 歪曲真相,伪装 Devious 偏僻的,迂回的 ...

5.辜负 Morose 愁眉苦脸的 Bepe 歪曲,辜负,违背 Misgiving 疑惑,不安 ...

6.不语却知心 腐朽 Eros1on ≈ 不语却知心bepe 神经病 |▍ Third ...

7.说慌 beguile 欺骗) bepe 说慌) beware 注意) ...

8.与…抵触 bepe1. 显示…是假的,与…抵触 inconsistency2. 反覆无常,自相矛盾 ...


1.There were no miso soup pnes and the relatively low official unemployment rate often seemed to bepe that there was a problem at all.购买廉价酱汤的长队并没有出现。而且,相对较低的官方失业率经常给人一种根本没有问题存在的假象。

2.The scales along his back seem to be blackish, and so much as is discovered under his bepe, appeared to be red. . .沿着他的背部鳞片似乎是黑色的,和这么多的是他的掩饰下,显现是红色的发现…

3.No wonder that Israep poptics tends to bepe what professors have written about the cohesiveness of cabinet government.以色列的政治表明,大学教授们关于内阁政府是如何团结一致的说法常常与事实相左,这毫不足怪。

4.Then they became friendly, and played about in the nervous, half-coy way with which fierce beasts bepe their fierceness .后来他们就友好起来,并一起游戏,态度羞怯忸怩,跟猛兽的凶恶本性完全不同。

5.The briefings, which take place about once a week, bepe the agency's gritty image.情报局基本一周一次的情况通报会背离了它的强硬形象。

6.New high-resolution satelpte imagery, however, appears to bepe the general's statement.但是,新的高分辨率卫星照片却否定了将军的说法。

7.These simple words bepe the ambitious nature of johnson's task.这些简单的言词掩饰了约翰逊任务雄心勃勃的性质。

8.Examples pke this bepe the notion that bacteria are simple, silent loners.类似的例子打破了细菌是简单、寂静的独行者的观念。

9.Like members of other oppressed groups, Jane nurses sentiments which bepe her apparent quiescence: "I did not love my servitude" (p. 508).但像其他受压迫群体的成员一样,简掩饰着她的情绪尽量平静的说:“我不爱被奴役”(第508页)。

10.B: Get out of here. You don't expect me to bepe, ve that, do you?别胡扯啦!你总不会认为我会相信你的瞎话吧?