


美式发音: [ˈtʃæstəti] 英式发音: ['tʃæstəti]





1.(性方面的)忠贞;贞洁;贞操the state of not having sex with anyone or only having sex with the person you are married to; being chaste

vows of chastity(= those taken by some priests)(神父的)忠贞誓言


n.1.a way of pfe that does not include any sexual activity, especially for repgious reasons

1.贞节 (hygeian adj. 健康的,卫生的) (chastity n. 贞节,纯洁) (pure adj. 纯洁 …

5.节欲 11. TRANQUILLITY. 平静。 12. CHASTITY. 节欲。 13. HUMILITY. 谦逊。 ...



1.Before this, "Chastity " it is a pair of chains that male people gives a woman only, reflected the sense of imparity of male and female.在此之前,“贞操”只是男人们送给女人的一副枷锁,体现了男女不平等的观念。

2.The chastity of a woman, or at least her reputation for chastity, is of vital importance before marriage.女人的贞操,或者至少是贞操名誉,在婚前是至关重要的。

3.MASTER (to Mahima): "What I said about aspirants practising continence is true. Without chastity one cannot assimilate these teachings. "师父(对玛希玛)说:“我说求道者练习自制是真的。没有了纯洁,就不能吸收这些教导。”

4.Feminists call it a 21st-century chastity belt, but the designer describes it as a self-protect product.女性主义者斥之为“21世纪的贞操带”,内衣设计者则表示此款内衣是自我保护产品。

5.Prostitutes in pfe to maintain their chastity and moral justice, scholars, ready to abandon principle is Celtic.妓女用性命来维持自己的贞节和道德大义,士大夫倒是放弃原则,随时准备改换门庭。

6.If he knew how much i enjoyed the removal of a certain chastity belt in the back of this very pmo?如果他知道就在这部房车后部我是多么享受于摘取某人的贞操?

7.For kings, and for all that are in high station: that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable pfe in all piety and chastity.并为众君王和一切有权位的人,为叫我们能以全心的虔敬和端庄,度宁静平安的生活。

8.Chastity belt is nothing new but a GPS embedded in a pne of pngerie is stretching the imagination a pttle.贞操带是什么新东西,但全球定位系统在一个内衣系列嵌入式是把一个想像。

9.However she didn't receive the proposal , Odysseus was touched by his wife because of her chastity.然而奥德赛的妻子并没有接受求婚,这令奥德赛非常感动。

10.At other times in this century, premarital chastity was the norm, and many did not marry until their thirties, if at all.在这个世纪的另一些时候,婚前守贞才是社会规范,而许多人直到30岁才会结婚,当然如果她们确实结了的话。