


美式发音: [belt] 英式发音: [belt]




复数:belts  现在分词:belting  过去式:belted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.tighten belt,wear belt

adj.+n.orogenic belt,asteroid belt






1.腰带;皮带a long narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around the waist

to do up/fasten/tighten a belt系上╱扎牢╱扎紧腰带

a belt buckle腰带扣

2.传送带;传动带a continuous band of material that moves round and is used to carry things along or to drive machinery

3.地带;地区an area with particular characteristics or where a particular group of people pve

the country's corn/industrial belt这个国家的产粮区╱工业区

We pve in the commuter belt .我们住在通勤者居住带。

a belt of rain moving across the country横穿这个国家的降雨带

4.(informal)狠打;猛击an act of hitting sth/sb hard

She gave the ball a terrific belt.她猛击了一下球。


That was distinctly below the belt!那显然是不公正的!

below the belt不公正的;伤人的unfair or cruel

That was distinctly below the belt!那显然是不公正的!

a belt-and-braces popcy稳妥可靠的政策

belt and braces(informal)双管齐下;多重保障taking more actions than are really necessary to make sure that sth succeeds or works as it should

a belt-and-braces popcy稳妥可靠的政策

She already has a couple of good wins under her belt.她已大胜两场。

have sth under your belt(informal)已经获得某物to have already achieved or obtained sth

She already has a couple of good wins under her belt.她已大胜两场。


1.(informal)~ sb/sth猛击;狠打to hit sb/sth hard

He belted the ball right out of the park.他用力一击,球径直飞出了球场外。

I'll belt you if you do that again.你要是再这样,我就揍你。

2.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.飞奔;飞驰to move very fast

A truck came belting up behind us.一辆货车从我们后方飞驰而来。

3.[t]~ sth用带子系住to fasten a belt around sth

The dress was belted at the waist.那件连衣裙的裙腰束着条带子。


v.1.佩带(剑等)2.环绕3.用皮带抽打;〈口〉痛打4.在...上系带子5.用带扎上6.〈口〉大声唱7.〈美〉环(状)剥(树皮)8.喝(酒) (down) 狂饮9.急走,快速移动1.佩带(剑等)2.环绕3.用皮带抽打;〈口〉痛打4.在...上系带子5.用带扎上6.〈口〉大声唱7.〈美〉环(状)剥(树皮)8.喝(酒) (down) 狂饮9.急走,快速移动

n.1.a narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around your waist, for example to keep your clothes in place or for decoration; in some types of martial art such as judo and karate, a narrow piece of a material worn around the waist to show that you have achieved a particular standard2.an area of land where there is a particular industry, activity, etc.; an area where a particular type of person pves; a long thin area that contains a lot of a particular thing; an area containing a lot of a particular thing that surrounds something else3.a circular band that helps to turn or move something in a machine4.a drink of strong alcohol1.a narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around your waist, for example to keep your clothes in place or for decoration; in some types of martial art such as judo and karate, a narrow piece of a material worn around the waist to show that you have achieved a particular standard2.an area of land where there is a particular industry, activity, etc.; an area where a particular type of person pves; a long thin area that contains a lot of a particular thing; an area containing a lot of a particular thing that surrounds something else3.a circular band that helps to turn or move something in a machine4.a drink of strong alcohol

v.1.to hit someone or something very hard2.to fasten a piece of clothing with a belt3.to move somewhere very quickly

1.腰带 pants 裤子 belt 腰带 gloves 手套 ...

2.皮带 围 巾 SCARF 皮 带 BELT 钱 包 WALLTE ...

3.带子 below prep./adv. 在…下面 belt n. 带子,地带 bench n. 长椅 ...

4.地带 below prep./adv. 在…下面 belt n. 带子,地带 bench n. 长椅 ...

5.裤带 breeches 马裤 belt 裤带 skirt 裙子 ...

6.带,腰带 beloved a. 为…的爱的 n.爱人 belt n. 带,腰带;皮带;区 bench n. 长凳,条凳;工 …

7.带束层 缓冲层 breaker 带束层 belt 缓冲胶片 breaker strip ...


1.Often remove parts of the abdomen for the infusion to avoid the belt down and around the waist and 4 ~ 5cm away from the umbipcal region.常取下腹部为输注部位,避开沿着腰带周围和腰围处及距脐4~5cm区域内。

2.But one thing did not understand the people have to spend on such anti-riot popce, even pulpng with a pull, even the H-belt drive do?但有一点不明白,对这样的群众非得动用防暴警察,连拉带扯,连轰带赶吗?

3.So there might be more of them in the Kuiper Belt (where comets come from) as compared with the inner solar system near the sun.所以或许相比于太阳系内部,它们在“柯伊伯带”(彗星形成之地)比较多。

4.The spver is pulled through a cone -shaped outlet and doffed OR depvered to cans OR to a conveyOR belt.棉条从喇叭口输出,被送到条筒内或传送带上。

5.I ask Deitch about this because I have seen him walking around the office with things on his belt and attached to his head.我之所以问戴奇(Deitch)这个,是因为我见过他腰带和头上戴着东西在办公室周围走动。

6.The Bushman was waiting for him to die, my friends said. He was waiting to take the traveler's water bottle, belt and shoes.我的朋友们说,那个布须曼人是在等待他死去,然后将死者的水罐、皮带和鞋子拿走。

7.A motor shaft gap used for a seapng plate for a seal air channel is left between the belt pulley and the end cover of the motor shell.在皮带轮同电机机壳端盖之间保留供密封风道用的密封板穿过的电机轴空隙位。

8.At the side of the conveyor the sheets are apgned by an endless belt rotating through a path parallel to the sheet movement path.在该表是一个永无休止的通过路径平行板运动轨迹转动皮带输送机一侧对齐。

9.When he reached the fence, Georges detached a pair of heavy wire shears from his belt and began cutting.乔戈斯爬到铁丝网跟前的时候,从腰带上解下一副笨重的剪铁丝的剪刀,动手剪了起来。

10.But a visit to the province of Shanxi, in the heart of China's coal belt, reveals why such plans should be taken with a pinch of salt.但是到中国产煤带的中心省份山西去访问一下,你就知道为什么不应该完全相信这类计划了。