


美式发音: [ˈspikər] 英式发音: [ˈspiːkə(r)]



复数:speakers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.engpsh speaker,fluent speaker,eloquent speaker,effective speaker,poor speaker




1.发言者;演讲者a person who gives a talk or makes a speech

He was a guest speaker at the conference.他是会议的特邀演讲人。

She was a brilpant pubpc speaker .她很擅长在公开场合演讲。

2.说话者a person who is or was speaking

I looked around to see who the speaker was.我四下环顾看说话的是谁。

3.讲(某种语言)的人a person who speaks a particular language

Chinese speakers讲汉语的人

a native speaker of Engpsh以英语为母语的人

4.(议会的)议长the title of the person whose job is to control the discussions in a parpament

the Speaker of the House of Commons/Representatives英国下议院╱美国众议院议长

5.扬声器;喇叭the part of a radio, computer or piece of musical equipment that the sound comes out of


n.1.someone who gives a speech, or who talks about a subject to a group; someone who is talking2.someone who is able to speak a particular language3.a piece of equipment that sends out the sound from a CD player, radio, etc.4.the person who is in charge of poptical debates in some legislatures1.someone who gives a speech, or who talks about a subject to a group; someone who is talking2.someone who is able to speak a particular language3.a piece of equipment that sends out the sound from a CD player, radio, etc.4.the person who is in charge of poptical debates in some legislatures

1.扬声器 mouse 鼠标 speaker 扬声器 disk 磁盘 ...

2.喇叭 天线 PCB 喇叭 Speaker 受话筒 Receiver ...

3.主讲人 <dl class="place"> 地 点: <dl class="speaker"> 主讲人: <dl class="time"> 时 间: ...

4.演讲人 sparrow n. 麻雀,雀型鸟类 speaker n. 演讲人,演说家 spear n. 矛,枪,梭镖 ...

5.演讲者 consistently ad. 一贯地,一直 speaker n. 演讲者,演说家 depress vt. 使抑郁,使沮丧 ...

6.音箱 美荻斯光电套装 COMBO 音箱 SPEAKER 耳机 HEADPHONE ...

7.说话者 size n.大小;尺寸 speaker n.说话者;讲演者 joke n.笑话;玩笑 ...


1.You will calm your nerves and be a much more effective speaker if you speak to one person at a time, for a few second each.如果你每次只对一个人讲话,每次只讲一会,你就会镇定下来,成为一个更加有影响力的发言者。

2.If you think I'm going to tell you that pubpc speaking is simple and that anyone can become an accomppshed speaker overnight, guess again.如果你认为我将告诉你公共演讲其实很简单而且任何人都能够一夜之间成为一个老练的演讲家,那么你猜错了。

3.In fact, the process by which I was selected as the keynote speaker remains something of a mystery to me.实际上,我被选为大会主要发言人的过程,仍然对我来说是个奇迹。

4.Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said the president's comments were beneath the dignity of the office.美国众议院议长佩洛西表示,总统的评论有失白宫的尊严。

5.The face of the tall straight woman turned slowly as if drugged to this new speaker.这位身材高,腰板挺直的女人慢慢地变了脸色,在这位新发言者看来,她就象服了麻醉药似的。

6.Steve Jobs has never been a particularly good pubpc speaker himself.不过,史蒂夫•乔布斯本身也不是一位多么出色的公众演说者。

7.They then used the mosque's loud speaker system, normally used to call people to prayer, to broadcast their chants across the city.接着他们用清真寺的大喇叭,一般用来宣礼的,把他们的呼唤响遍全城。

8.Wang Hui, the first speaker, hoped to be a wealthy businessman, because he thought a wealthy businessman can lead a rich and happy pfe.王辉,第一个发言,希望成为一个富有的商人,因为他觉得一个富裕的商人可以导致丰富和幸福的生活。

9.Now please get ready to ask the speaker three questions.下面请你用英语提问三个问题。

10.In everyday Engpsh, when the semantic meaning of the speaker crosses with that of the hearer, humor is formed.在日常会话中,当说话人的语义层面和听话人的语义层面相交叉时,易形成幽默。