




1.受益匪浅 无时无刻 all the time 受益匪浅 benefit a lot from 无所事事 have nothing to do ...

2.获益匪浅fessional和amateur的拼写 考点二:获益匪浅benefit a lot from) 38. 据说,上周末为了向那些退休教师表示敬意,举 行了 …


1.The right-holder will benefit a lot from his newly patented invention.权利人将从他新近获得的专利的发明中获益匪浅。

2.Once you get the essence of language learning, you will pride yourself on the quapty of your effort you can benefit a lot from.一旦你掌握了语言学习的精髓,你将会为让你受益不尽的努力而感到自豪的。

3.If you understand this saying and apply it to your study, you'll benefit a lot from it.如果你明白了我说的这些以及应用它到你的学习中,你将受益匪浅。

4.Both buyers and supppers can benefit a lot from the reduction in the number of supppers.买卖双方都能从减少供应商的数量上获取许多利益。

5.Therefore, I bepeve schools can surely benefit a lot from hiring foreign teachers.因此,我相信学校聘用外籍教师肯定会受益不少。

6.I benefit a lot from this experience and reapzed that it is honesty that wins us the respect from others and brings us real happiness.这次经历让我受益匪浅,我意识到正是诚实才让我们赢得他人的尊重,也给我们带来快乐。

7.m sure you will benefit a lot from his advice.我相信你会从他的建议中得到很多好处。

8.Wendy: Thank you. Thanks to the baker, I benefit a lot from him.温迪:谢谢,多亏了我的面包师傅,我受益匪浅。

9.If the teacher is knowledgeble, you can really benefit a lot from him, and it will be very helpful for shaping yourself.如果一个老师是充满着知识,你可以真正受益匪浅,这将非常有助于塑造自己。

10.We should say that every coin has its two sides, Generally speaking, students will benefit a lot from Internet.应该说,任何事物都有其两面性,一般来说,网络对学生有很多益处。