


美式发音: [ˈbɜːnəd] 英式发音: [ˈbə:nəd]




n.1.【名】伯纳德,男子名2.【人】贝尔纳,全名克洛德· 贝尔纳,著名法国生理学家

n.1.[People Name]a male given name2.[Celebrity]Claude Bernard, a French physiologist

1.伯纳德伯纳德(bernard)电动执行机构总线说明伯纳德(bernard)电动执行机构总线说明隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 mmx06贡献于2010-…


3.贝尔纳贝尔纳(Bernard)——法国上校,镇压巴黎1848 年六月起义参加者的军事委员会主席;1851年十二月二日政变后是对反拿破仑 …

4.陈智思行政会议成员陈智思Bernard)「从政而优则画」,仲联同母亲陈沈时芬及侄女举办自家出品嘅「陈氏三代艺术展」,卓妮梗 …

5.贝纳德  6.贝纳德(Bernard)从格拉斯哥流浪者(Rangers)转到纽卡斯尔联队(Newcastle United)  7.凯尔特人(Celtic)有4人离队   8.多亚拉(Dou…



1.For sure, there have been a few high-profile dramas. Bernard Madoff is one, obvious, example.当然,有一些令人瞩目的事件,伯纳德-马多夫(BernardMadoff)就是一个明显的例子。

2.Bernard then found Rudolf in Mainz and was able to silence him, returning him to his monastery.之后,伯纳德在美因茨找到鲁道夫设法使他平静下来,并把他送回原来的修道院。

3.Doctor Bernard said if I was on a desert island, then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts.伯纳德医生说如果我在一个孤岛上,那我就要适应一个人生活,只有我和椰子。

4.George Bernard Shaw once quipped that "the British soldier can stand up to anything except the British War Office. "萧伯纳曾经戏谑,“英国士兵什么都不怕,就怕陆军部。”

5.What's the matter with Bernard today? He started shouting from the moment he stepped into the office.Bernard今天怎么了?他一进入办公室就开始大喊。

6.The size of the alleged Bernard Madoff scam, if it pves up to its initial $50bn bilpng, is astounding, yet unsurprising.如果伯纳德-马多夫(BernardMadoff)涉嫌的欺诈案规模达到最初所称的500亿美元,那将是令人震惊的,但也不足为奇。

7."It must be a St. Bernard. It was a St. Bernard! " said the shopkeeper.店老板说:『那一定是只圣伯纳犬。那是只圣伯纳犬!』

8.Yes, Mr. Bernard. Let me check Mr. Zhou's Schedule. Let's see. . . Mr. Zhou is rather busy these days. This week is all booked up.好的,贝尔纳先生。让我查查周先生的日程表。让我看看……周先生最近很忙。这周都预定满了。

9.Arrived in Oakland, with his snug pay-day in his pocket, he took up his old room at Bernard Higginbotham's and set to work.兜里装了一笔可观的工资他来到奥克兰,在伯纳德·希金波坦商店那间老房间住了下来,开始了工作。

10.Bernard Shaw: An American has no sense of privacy. He does not know what it means. There is no such thing in the country.美国人没有隐私,他们知道它的含义,它在这个国家根本不存在。