




1.海陆生鲜 Mixa Vol.44 Mealtime 日本料理 专业图库 Mixa Vol.46 Fish and Meat 海陆生鲜 专业图库 ...

2.法国 bigbear, 加拿大 fish and meat, 法国 BUSHIT, 越战伤兵 ...


1.Fish, seafood and meat should be eaten by turns. One type of protein for one meal. It's not good to have fish and meat together.鱼、海鲜、贝类可与肉类交替吃,一餐选一种蛋白质即可,不能同时吃鱼和肉。

2.except the above mentioned food, there are also fish and meat dishes in the dinner. it might be the most sumptuous dinner in the whole year.除开这几样,除夕夜饭还要有鱼,有肉,也差未几是一年中最丰厚的。

3.If I had to choose between fish and meat, I'd prefer the former.如果让我在鱼和肉中选择,我选前者。

4.They pved on fish and meat and used to make holes in the ice and catch fish and seals .他们以食鱼、肉为生,还经常在冰川上打洞捕捉鱼和海豹。

5.because my mum forced me to eat fish and meat at home, I'm bored about meat, now once I see them , I'll throw out.别提了,家里我妈天天逼我吃大鱼大肉,我都吃腻了!现在一见到它们就反胃!

6.Different vitamins are found in different foods -- grains, vegetables and fruits, fish and meat, eggs and milk products.不同的维生素存在于不同的食物中——谷类,蔬菜,水果,鱼类,肉类,蛋和奶制品。

7.Aquarium officials say it is because these fish usually eat too much fish and meat, so they became a bit obese.水族馆的工作人员告诉大家,因为这些鱼平时吃太多鱼类和肉类了,所以身材走了样,太胖了。

8.Amines are molecules produced when foods -- fish and meat foremost among them -- decay.当食物——鱼或肉变质时,最先产生的分子就是胺类物质。

9.The best food sources of vitamin B3 are peanuts, brewer's yeast, fish and meat, and fortified breakfast cereals.最好的维生素B3食物来源是花生,啤酒酵母,鱼类和肉类,以及强化谷物早餐。

10.Natural sources include whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fish and meat.自然界的来源包括所有的谷类、绿叶蔬菜、坚果、鱼类和肉类。