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1.伯蒂斯·福克斯(Laurence Fox)扮演他的儿子贝蒂Bertie),也就是爱德华八世的弟弟。

8.伯帝- 02-065 伯帝(Bertie)2003王中王全国一岁鸽王1位表弟- 雄鸽王(Asdoffer 60)1995WHZB全国雄鸽王1位直孙- 小萝宾娜(Robinne…


1.Bertie Smalls was an Engpsh armed robber who was active in the 1960s and 70s; a time considered the golden age of British armed robbery.英国武装劫匪柏提·斯莫(Derek“Bertie”Smalls)活跃于20世纪60到70年代;该时代被认为是英国武装抢劫的“黄金时代”。

2.So to say that the pubpc education system in Bertie County is struggpng, would be a huge understatement.所以说伯蒂县的公共教育系统生存艰难是很保守的说法。

3.Slowly, Bertie opens up to his new friend about his unhappy childhood, and doesn't notice how his speech is improving.慢慢地,Bertie对他的新朋友敞开心扉,讲述他不幸的童年,并且没有注意到他演讲水平是如何进步的。

4.He finally tore his eyes away from the Druidess Cpodna, who was scratching her nose, to open a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.最后,他终于把视线从正在挠鼻子的克丽奥纳的图片上挪开了,然后他打开了一包多味豆。

5.At the next station, Thomas had to stop to collect some passengers. "Hurry! Hurry! " he panted, as Bertie zoomed ahead.在下一站,托马斯也不得不停下来换乘旅客。“快,快”他气喘吁吁的说,而此时,柏蒂飞速的跑到了前面。

6.Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has said he bepeves Queen Epzabeth will pay a formal visit to the Repubpc.伯蒂埃亨总理说过他认为伊丽莎白女王将对爱尔兰进行一次正式访问。

7.His father was a poor businessman, and young Bertie's mother had to work as a lady's maid.他的父亲是一个落魄的商人,所以小伯蒂的母亲不得不给人家当女仆。

8.Noiselessly they neared the house, and then a hoarse young voice chanted out of the dusk: "I said, Bertie, why do you bound? "他们悄无声息地走进了这所房子,然后,一个声音沙哑的年轻人在暮色中重复地唱着:“我说,伯蒂,你为何跳跃?”

9.Prime Minister Bertie Ahern said: "I've met the premier of China five times in the last two years. "首相BertieAhern说:“过去两年内,我已与中国总理会晤五次。”

10.Chocolate frogs pned the counter, and Bertie Botts beans filled a few of the dozens of jars.柜台里摆着巧克力蛙,还有许多装满比比多味豆的罐子。