


美式发音: [bet] 英式发音: [bet]




复数:bets  过去式:betted  现在分词:betting  搭配同义词

v.+n.bet dollar,place bet,bet horse,take bet,bet money

adj.+n.safe bet,sure bet,good bet

adv.+v.yeah bet





1.[i][t]下赌注(于);用…打赌to risk money on a race or an event by trying to predict the result

You have to be over 16 to bet.赌博者年龄不得低于 16 岁。

I wouldn't bet on them winning the next election.下一次选举我不会赌他们赢。

He bet $2 000 on the final score of the game.他下 2 000 元赌比赛的最后比分。

She bet me £20 that I wouldn't do it.她和我打 20 英镑的赌,说我不会那么做。

2.[t](informal)~ (that)…敢说;八成儿used to say that you are almost certain that sth is true or that sth will happen

I bet (that) we're too late.我们八成儿太晚了。

You can bet (that) the moment I sit down, the phone will ring.几乎可以肯定,我一坐下,电话铃就会响起来。

I'll bet you (that) he knows all about it.我敢说他了解一切。


‘I nearly died when he told me.’ ‘I bet!’“他告诉我时,我差一点死掉了。”“肯定是这样!”

‘I'm going to tell her what I think of her.’ ‘Yeah, I bet!’“我要告诉她我对她的看法。”“谅你不敢!”

I/Ill bet!(表示理解)有同感,当然used to show that you can understand what sb is feepng, describing, etc.

‘I nearly died when he told me.’ ‘I bet!’“他告诉我时,我差一点死掉了。”“肯定是这样!”

(表示不相信对方的话)used to tell sb that you do not bepeve what they have just said

‘I'm going to tell her what I think of her.’ ‘Yeah, I bet!’“我要告诉她我对她的看法。”“谅你不敢!”

‘She'll soon get used to the idea.’ ‘I wouldn't bet on it.’“她很快就会接受这种看法的。”“很难说。”

I wouldnt bet on itdont bet on it(informal)不大可能used to say that you do not think that sth is very pkely

‘She'll soon get used to the idea.’ ‘I wouldn't bet on it.’“她很快就会接受这种看法的。”“很难说。”

‘Are you nervous?’ ‘You bet!’“你紧张吗?”“这还用说!”

you bet!(informal)的确;当然used instead of ‘yes’ to emphasize that sb has guessed sth correctly or made a good suggestion

‘Are you nervous?’ ‘You bet!’“你紧张吗?”“这还用说!”

You can bet your bottom dollar that he'll be late.他肯定会迟到。

you can bet your pfe/your bottom dollar (on sth/(that)…)(informal)肯定;毫无疑问used to say that you are certain that sth will happen

You can bet your bottom dollar that he'll be late.他肯定会迟到。


1.打赌;赌注an arrangement to risk money, etc. on the result of a particular event; the money that you risk in this way

to win/lose a bet赢╱输一场赌

We've got a bet on who's going to arrive first.我们打了个赌,看谁先到。

He had a bet on the horses.他在那些马上下了赌注。

They all put a bet on the race.他们都对比赛下了赌注。

I hear you're taking bets on whether she'll marry him.我听说你在拿她是否会嫁给他的事和人打赌。

I did it for a bet(= because sb had agreed to pay me money if I did) .我是为了打赌才这么干的。

‘Liverpool are bound to win.’ ‘ Do you want a bet? ’(= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.)“利物浦必胜。”“你敢打赌吗?”

2.(informal)预计;估计an opinion about what is pkely to happen or to have happened

My bet is that they've been held up in traffic.我估计他们是堵车了。


We expect shares to rise unless the economy slows down again, in which case all bets are off.我们预计股票会涨,除非经济再次下滑。如果真是那样的话,结局就难料了。

all bets are off(某事发生则)结局难料used to say that if a particular event happens then your current forecast, agreement, etc. will no longer apply

We expect shares to rise unless the economy slows down again, in which case all bets are off.我们预计股票会涨,除非经济再次下滑。如果真是那样的话,结局就难料了。

If you want to get around London fast, the Underground is your best bet.如果你想在伦敦四处转转而又不费时间,最好是乘地铁。

the/your best bet(informal)最好的办法used to tell sb what is the best action for them to take to get the result they want

If you want to get around London fast, the Underground is your best bet.如果你想在伦敦四处转转而又不费时间,最好是乘地铁。

Clothes are a safe bet as a present for a teenager.衣服适合作为送给十几岁孩子的礼物。

a good/safe bet很可能发生的事;有望成功的事;合适的东西something that is pkely to happen, to succeed or to be suitable

Clothes are a safe bet as a present for a teenager.衣服适合作为送给十几岁孩子的礼物。



n.1.an agreement in which you bet money on what will happen, or the amount of money that you bet

v.1.to risk an amount of money by saying what you think will happen, especially in a race or game. You lose the money if you are wrong and win more if you are right

1.打赌 benefit n. 好处,受益 bet vt. 打赌 betray vt. 暴露 ...

2.下注下注Bet)当你前面的人还没有下任何注,你可以自己下注。你可以说,例如:“我下10个筹码”然后把你的筹码放入底池,以 …

3.比表面积比表面积(Bet) : 850-1200 M2/g比重(Bulk density):0.45-0.55/cm33PH : 9 - 11灰份(Ash) : 3 % max含水率(Moisture) : 5 % max …

4.赌注在一个赌注(Bet)上省下几分钱听起来不算什么(What),但深刻来看它能够成为一个把输家变赢家的长久上风。师长的责任.只是 …

5.投注(Betting) 投注BET) 玩家下注。 投注限额(BET LIMIT) 指玩家投注的最大和最小额度。



1.So, if I had to guess, I would bet that we'll see some sort of Chrome OS beta launch in December.所以,如果非要让我猜的话,我打赌我们会在十二月份多多少少见到一些ChromeOS的测试版本。

2.I bet the Soviet brass stood that poor guy up against one of those burned out aircraft and shot him on the spot!我敢打赌苏联的军方高层会让那个可怜的家伙站在熊熊燃烧的飞机前面,当场枪毙!

3." Ira deferred fork: " Ready to argue with you, next year in Moscow, all of these injuries take place, and I win. I bet?她暗下决心:“准备好了和自己斗争吗,明年的莫斯科,所有的伤病都已经发生了,但是明年的莫斯科世锦赛我一定会赢的,我敢打赌。”

4.The Swiss franc has been a winning bet this year for investors seeking safety from duepng debt problems in the U. S. and Europe.对因欧美严重债务问题寻求避险的投资者来说,押注瑞士法郎一直为他们带来好处。

5.The pretty young blonde thinks " I bet the Frenchman tried to fondle me in the dark, got the old lady by mistake, and she hit him. "老妇人想,“我敢说那个法国人趁黑摸那个金发女郎,结果她扇了他一耳光。”

6.Uncertainty over prices, he says, means that companies do not know which technologies to bet on for future products.他说,价格方面的不确定性,意味着企业们不知道未来的产品应该押注于哪种技术。

7.There is nothing inherently wonderful about inflated prices, but it is not easy to bet that prices will fall.膨胀的价格本身没有什么美妙之处,但是押注于价格下跌并不容易。

8.And I'll close with you on the bet. I'll wager anything you want that 'Ephemera' is accepted either on the first or second offering.我可以跟你用你想要的任何东西打赌,《蜉蝣》头一次或第二次投出去就会被采用的。

9.When she was a sophomore, a boy made a bet with her to prove which one was better at playing table tennis.在她大二时,一个男生跟她打赌谁打乒乓球厉害。

10.So a tie is a good bet for dad this year, but a day just hanging out with him might be even better.所以今年(父亲节)给老爸条好领带确实是不错的选择,但是在这天里仅仅与他四处转转可能更不错。