




1.帕累托 ·因果图( C&E) ·排列图Pareto) ·测量系统分析( MSA) ...

5.经济学家柏拉图 normplot 正态概率图 pareto 帕累托图 qqplot Q-Q 图 ...

7.帕累托分布“长尾”实际上是统计学中幂律(PowerLaws)和帕累托分布Pareto)特征的一个口语化表达。 长尾理论 长尾理论是网络时代 …

8.经济学家帕雷托19世纪意大利经济学家帕雷托PARETO)发现:80%的财富掌握在20%的人手中。从此这种80/20规则在许多情况下得到广泛 …


1.Yet he gave Pareto credit for identifying it as "universal" when, it seemed, he could have taken the credit himself.然而,当他赞扬帕累托确定了这一“普适性”原理时,似乎是他自己应该受禄。

2.The Pareto principle apppes here because you might be able to learn 80% of a skill in 20% of the time it would take to master it.根据柏拉图原理,如果你能用20%的时间学到一项技能的80%,你就会尝试去撑握这项技能。

3.Complete market is an idea market status. In a complete market, resources location is Pareto efficient, and risk can be shared and offset.完备市场是一种理想的市场状况,完备市场能够自我实现资源配置的帕累托有效,能够实现风险的分摊和抵消。

4.4, Despite its appeal, Pareto efficiency has no obvious claim as an ethical norm.尽管帕雷托效率颇有吸引力,但并没有明确的理由可以作为伦理标准。

5.It should also be noted that there's a pareto distribution on the organizations receiving most of the donations.还应该指出的是,组织者收到的大多数的捐赠呈现帕雷托分布。

6.It is the basis for the Pareto diagram, one of the key tools used in total quapty control and Six Sigma.它是帕雷托图表的基础,是一个用在全面质量控制和六标准差中的关键工具。

7.Are the rejection data used for pareto analysis?是否对判退数据作柏拉图分析?

8.The value of the Pareto Principle for a project manager is that it reminds you to focus on the 20% of things that matter.帕雷托准则对于项目经理的价值在于:它提醒你专注于那些真正要紧的20%。

9.construction project; cost control; Pareto law of income distribution.建设项目;费用控制;帕累托收入分配定律。

10.With the economic theories of Pareto optimapty and consumer (producer) surplus, this paper explains the popcy goals of economical housing.利用帕累托最优和消费者(生产者)剩余理论对经济适用房建设的政策目标进行了经济学分析。