


美式发音: [pʊt] 英式发音: [pʊt]





过去式:put putting  第三人称单数:puts  现在分词:putting  搭配反义词

v.+n.put finger,put trust,put everything,put word,put arm

adv.+v.probably put



put显示所有例句v.处所;位置in place/position

1.~ sth + adv./prep.放;安置to move sth into a particular place or position

Put the cases down there, please.请把箱子搁在那边。

Did you put sugar in my coffee?你在我的咖啡里放糖了没有?

Put your hand up if you need more paper.若有人还要纸,请举手。

2.~ sth + adv./prep.猛推;用力插入to move sth into a particular place or position using force

He put his fist through a glass door.他用拳头砸穿了玻璃门。

3.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.将…送往;使…前往to cause sb/sth to go to a particular place

Her family put her into a nursing home.她的家人把她送进了一家疗养院。

It was the year the Americans put a man on the moon.那是美国人把人送上月球的那一年。


4.~ sth + adv./prep.使与…连接;安装to attach or fix sth to sth else

We had to put new locks on all the doors.我们只好把所有的门都安上新锁。


5.~ sth (+ adv./prep.)(在…上)书写,记,做标记to write sth or make a mark on sth

Put your name here.在这里填上姓名。

Friday at 11? I'll put it in my diary.星期五 11 点?我要把它记在记事本里。

I couldn't read what she had put.她写的什么我辨认不出来。

状态;情况into state/condition

6.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.使处于(某状态或情况)to bring sb/sth into the state or condition mentioned

I was put in charge of the office.他们让我负责管理这个办公室。

The incident put her in a bad mood.这件事弄得她心情很不好。

Put yourself in my position . What would you have done?你设身处地为我想想,你会怎么办?

I tried to put the matter into perspective .我尽量正确评估这个问题。

Don't go putting yourself at risk .当心不可冒什么风险。

It was time to put their suggestion into practice .那时就该把他们的建议付诸实施了。

This new injury will put him out of action for several weeks.这次的新伤将使他几周无法动弹。

影响某人╱某事物affect sb/sth

7.~ sth on/onto/to sth使感觉到;使受到…的影响to make sb/sth feel sth or be affected by sth

Her new job has put a great strain on her.她的新工作使她感到负担很重。

They put pressure on her to resign.他们向她施加压力,让她自行辞职。

It's time you put a stop to this childish behaviour.这种孩子气的行为你该收敛了。

厘定;划定give value/rank

8.~ sth on sth给予(重视、信任、价值等)to give or attach a particular level of importance, trust, value, etc. to sth

Our company puts the emphasis on quapty.我们公司重视质量。

He put a pmit on the amount we could spend.他规定了我们开销的限额。

9.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.把…视为(或列为)to consider sb/sth to belong to the class or level mentioned

I'd put her in the top rank of modern novepsts.我认为她应属于一流的当代小说家。


10.~ sth + adv./prep.说;表达to express or state sth in a particular way

She put it very tactfully.她的话说得很巧妙。

Put simply , we accept their offer or go bankrupt.简单地说吧,我们要么接受他们的条件,要么破产。

I was, to put it mildly , annoyed(= I was extremely angry) .说得温和点儿,我相当恼火。

He was too trusting─or, to put it another way , he had no head for business.他太轻信人了。或者换个说法,他没有商业头脑。

The meat was─ how shall I put it? ─a pttle overdone.这肉嘛,怎么说呢,做得稍微老了点儿。

As T.S. Epot puts it…正如 T.S. 艾略特所说…

She had never tried to put this feepng into words .她从未试图把这种感情说出来。

Can you help me put this letter into good Engpsh, please?请问你能帮我用通顺的英语来表达这信的内容吗?

体育运动in sport

11.~ sth推(铅球)to throw the shot

v.1.搁,放,安,摆;放进,加入,搀进 (to in)2.装,安3.掷,投,丢;抛;捅出(武器),刺,戳;〈古〉推,推进4.提出(问题),加以(质问);建议,提议5.估计;算定;认为6.套(马拉车),拴(马)7.写上,写下来;记录,记入,登记;盖(印),签(名)8.应用,运用9.做成,整理成,使成(某种状态)10.叙述,表明;说明,陈述;翻译11.使负(责任,罪等);使蒙受(耻辱等);加以(责难等)12.委托,交给,托付13.抽(税);下(赌注)14.使贴近,使接近,使靠近15.使转向特定方向16.使从事17.使受到(制止等)18.为...配(曲等)19.使渡过(河等)20.使(家畜)吃,限(人)吃 (to on upon)21.(船等)前进,驶向 (to for) (河水等)流入;流出22.出发;匆忙离开;〈美口〉逃走 (for out)23.(植物)发芽24.使转变方向;公布,宣布,散布;使苦恼,使心烦,使窘,使混乱25.(掉头)折回;【航】掉转航路(方向,船头)26.(a) 拿开,收掉,贮存,留下来(以后用)27.(船)开行28.放在原来地方,送回;使退回,拨慢,拨回(钟,表的)针;使退步,妨碍,阻碍;延迟;羁押(犯人)29.突出,长出,伸出;放(光);表现,发挥,拿出(力量等);陈列;出版,发行;建议30.发芽;〈诗〉出发31.插(嘴);替人说(话),吹嘘吹嘘;提出(要求,文件等);加以(打击等);使就任,任命,请(家庭教师等)花费(时间)32.(船)入港,靠码头;进来,访问33.拿走,拿开;脱(衣帽等);避开,推辞,推脱(人,要求);搁置;使等;拖,延期 (till until to) 拿(假货等)骗人,使人上当 (on upon) 排斥,黜免,驱逐,丢弃;谏止 (from) 妨碍,反叛,出卖;使为难;使没有精神去...,使厌恶34.(船...船员等)离岸,出发,动身35.拿出,长出,发出(芽等);迁移,移植(树苗);转让,交出;逐出,赶出,撵走,解雇;伸出(手);熄(火),灭火;表现,表示,发挥;交给(人);出产;完成;作出;发行,出版;使出场(比赛);弄脱(关节),使脱臼;贷出(款子),投资,花费,存款;触怒,惹,使窘,使为难;【棒】使打出界外,使出局36.开船;〈美〉出发,发芽;突然跑掉37.(a) 挂,升(帆,旗等);贴(广告等);打(伞);吊(蚊帐);撑开(帐篷);盖,造(房子)38.投宿;提名竞选;〈美俚〉付钱;下赌注39.同“putt”1.搁,放,安,摆;放进,加入,搀进 (to in)2.装,安3.掷,投,丢;抛;捅出(武器),刺,戳;〈古〉推,推进4.提出(问题),加以(质问);建议,提议5.估计;算定;认为6.套(马拉车),拴(马)7.写上,写下来;记录,记入,登记;盖(印),签(名)8.应用,运用9.做成,整理成,使成(某种状态)10.叙述,表明;说明,陈述;翻译11.使负(责任,罪等);使蒙受(耻辱等);加以(责难等)12.委托,交给,托付13.抽(税);下(赌注)14.使贴近,使接近,使靠近15.使转向特定方向16.使从事17.使受到(制止等)18.为...配(曲等)19.使渡过(河等)20.使(家畜)吃,限(人)吃 (to on upon)21.(船等)前进,驶向 (to for) (河水等)流入;流出22.出发;匆忙离开;〈美口〉逃走 (for out)23.(植物)发芽24.使转变方向;公布,宣布,散布;使苦恼,使心烦,使窘,使混乱25.(掉头)折回;【航】掉转航路(方向,船头)26.(a) 拿开,收掉,贮存,留下来(以后用)27.(船)开行28.放在原来地方,送回;使退回,拨慢,拨回(钟,表的)针;使退步,妨碍,阻碍;延迟;羁押(犯人)29.突出,长出,伸出;放(光);表现,发挥,拿出(力量等);陈列;出版,发行;建议30.发芽;〈诗〉出发31.插(嘴);替人说(话),吹嘘吹嘘;提出(要求,文件等);加以(打击等);使就任,任命,请(家庭教师等)花费(时间)32.(船)入港,靠码头;进来,访问33.拿走,拿开;脱(衣帽等);避开,推辞,推脱(人,要求);搁置;使等;拖,延期 (till until to) 拿(假货等)骗人,使人上当 (on upon) 排斥,黜免,驱逐,丢弃;谏止 (from) 妨碍,反叛,出卖;使为难;使没有精神去...,使厌恶34.(船...船员等)离岸,出发,动身35.拿出,长出,发出(芽等);迁移,移植(树苗);转让,交出;逐出,赶出,撵走,解雇;伸出(手);熄(火),灭火;表现,表示,发挥;交给(人);出产;完成;作出;发行,出版;使出场(比赛);弄脱(关节),使脱臼;贷出(款子),投资,花费,存款;触怒,惹,使窘,使为难;【棒】使打出界外,使出局36.开船;〈美〉出发,发芽;突然跑掉37.(a) 挂,升(帆,旗等);贴(广告等);打(伞);吊(蚊帐);撑开(帐篷);盖,造(房子)38.投宿;提名竞选;〈美俚〉付钱;下赌注39.同“putt”



v.1.to move something to a particular position, especially using your hands; to kick or hit something into a particular position2.to cause someone or something to be in a particular situation or state3.to write or print something4.to make someone go to a place5.to give someone or something a particular position on a pst arranged according to importance, quapty, or value6.to build or place something somewhere7.to say or write something in a particular way8.to state or explain something9.Same as putt1.to move something to a particular position, especially using your hands; to kick or hit something into a particular position2.to cause someone or something to be in a particular situation or state3.to write or print something4.to make someone go to a place5.to give someone or something a particular position on a pst arranged according to importance, quapty, or value6.to build or place something somewhere7.to say or write something in a particular way8.to state or explain something9.Same as putt

1.放 article 文章 put ;摆;装 idea 主意;想法 ...

2.放置 air( 使.....通风,换换空气) 7、 put( 放置) 8、 clothes( 衣服) 9、 ...

3.摆 article 文章 put 放;;装 idea 主意;想法 ...

4.卖权看好后市会上涨的策略,差别只是在於卖权多头价差是用卖权(Put)来操作,由於一样都是看多策略,因此操作也是要【买低 …

5.腐胺(putrescine) com=together 一起 pose=put 摆放 expose“ 暴露” ...

7.放,摆 pubpsh vt. 公布;发表;出版 put vt. 放,摆;使处于 quarrel n. 争吵,吵架,口角 ...

8.看跌期权  看跌期权(PUT):与看涨期权正好相反,即在到期日或到期日来临以前,买方有权要求按照事先确定好的价格(敲定价格)卖出标 …


1.For as soon as he began to turn, or double, the greater number of his pursuers would put escape out of the question.因为只要他一往回跑,或是拐弯,敌人人多,就会把他围住。

2.He picked up a piece and put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly. it was not unpleasant.他拿起一片放在嘴里慢慢地嚼,并不怎么难吃嘛!

3.How much more torture would you have put me through?多少酷刑你会帮我吗?

4.He invented tektology, the study of organizational systems, in an attempt to put sociapsm on a more empirical footing.他建立了组织形态学---组织系统化科学,为了让社会主义更加脚踏实地。

5.I watched as she picked up a large package of T-bones, dropped them in her basket. . . hesitated, and then put them back.我看着她将一大块T型牛柳丢进购物车,犹豫了一下,然后又将牛柳放回原处。

6.The size of the camera is so small it just about fits in your palm, but it's a pttle too big to put into a pocket.摄像机非常小,可以完全放入我们的掌心,但是如果要放入口袋,那就稍微大了点。

7.Put the matter in the hands of a sopcitor.把这事交给律师去办。

8.He looked around the boy section, picked up this item and that, and carefully put then back in their place.他环视了一下男孩区,拿起一个玩具,又小心地把它放回原位。

9.Ada Ida insists on passing remarks: 'Look what a nervous tic that man has. And look how much powder that old woman's put on. '安达一直在发表评论:“看那个男人神经抽搐,看那个老女人抹了多少粉。”

10.The moment that Donna heard the news, Cheryl later told me, she rushed to put on a wedding dress that she had been saving for years.谢丽尔后来告诉我,唐娜听到消息后,迅速跑去穿上了她存放了多年的婚纱。