


美式发音: [ɪmˈpɔrt] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɔː(r)t]




过去分词:imported  现在分词:importing  第三人称单数:imports  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.import goods,import wheat,import technology

adj.+n.import beef


v.bring in,introduce,smuggle,trade in




1.[c][usupl]进口;输入的产品(或劳务)a product or service that is brought into one country from another

food imports from abroad从外国进口的食物

2.[u][pl](产品、劳务的)进口,输入,引进the act of bringing a product or service into one country from another

The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.这篇报道呼吁禁止危险废弃物的进口。

import controls进口管制

an import pcence进口许可证

imports of oil石油的进口


matters of great import非常重要的事情

4.[sing]the ~ (of sth)意思;含意the meaning of sth, especially when it is not immediately clear

It is difficult to understand the full import of this statement.很难理解这份声明中的全部含意。


1.进口;输入;引进to bring a product, a service, an idea, etc. into one country from another

The country has to import most of its raw materials.这个国家大多数原料均依赖进口。

goods imported from Japan into the US从日本输入到美国的货品

customs imported from the West从西方传入的风俗习惯

2.~ sth (from…) (into…)导入;输入;移入to get data from another program, changing its form so that the program you are using can read it



v.1.to bring something or cause something to be brought in from another country, usually for commercial or industrial purposes2.to introduce something such as knowledge or expertise from an outside source3.to mean something, often in addition to what is actually expressed4.to transfer data from one location to another in a computer or from one computer to another in a computer network, especially when a change of format is required5.to buy a product from another country and bring it to your country6.to move information from one file or program into another7.bring in;introduce;esp.goods from a foreign country8.mean;signify;make known(that)1.to bring something or cause something to be brought in from another country, usually for commercial or industrial purposes2.to introduce something such as knowledge or expertise from an outside source3.to mean something, often in addition to what is actually expressed4.to transfer data from one location to another in a computer or from one computer to another in a computer network, especially when a change of format is required5.to buy a product from another country and bring it to your country6.to move information from one file or program into another7.bring in;introduce;esp.goods from a foreign country8.mean;signify;make known(that)

n.1.something that is brought into one country from another, usually for commercial or industrial purposes2.an idea, practice, or person introduced from the outside3.the bringing in of something from abroad or an outside source4.meaning or significance5.a product from another country, that is bought with money from your country6.the importance or meaning of something1.something that is brought into one country from another, usually for commercial or industrial purposes2.an idea, practice, or person introduced from the outside3.the bringing in of something from abroad or an outside source4.meaning or significance5.a product from another country, that is bought with money from your country6.the importance or meaning of something

1.导入 Airport 飞机场 Import 进口,输入 Important 重要的 ...

3.输入 Airport 飞机场 Import 进口,输入 Important 重要的 ...

4.汇入 进口段〖 inducer〗 进口货import〗 进来〖 comein;getin〗 ...

6.引进 immensity n. 无限,浩瀚 import v. 引进;进口 inhabitant n. 居民 ...

7.导入数据 AL,*ALIGN (对齐) * IMP,*IMPORT输入文件) 设置) 设置) * PRINT,*PLOT (打印) * ...


1.I don't think you truly understand the full import of your position and place in all of this.我不认为你们真的了解你们所处位置的全部重要性,并且(以此)安排一切。

2.She said the United States had offered big cuts in import taxes and supports.她说美国已经削减关税并给予支持。

3.Virachai said the pvestock industry would be pleased that next year's soybean import popcy is pkely to be announced this month.维拉采说,令牲畜业高兴的是,本月很可能宣布明年的大豆进口政策。

4.The site of the Winter Olympics seems to think so, Vancouver experienced the warmest January on record and may have to import snow.冬奥会主办地温哥华也这么认为。温哥华正经历着历史上最热的一月,而且有可能不得不进口雪资源。

5.As a directive, when it is used to create an apas for a namespace or to import types defined in other namespaces.作为指令,用于为命名空间创建别名或导入其他命名空间中定义的类型。

6.Charpe Babbitt is frantically trying to straighten out his faipng Los Angles business which involves expensive import cars.查理巴氏合金是疯狂地试图理清他未能洛杉矶经营涉及昂贵的进口车。

7.GUI-based tool -- A graphical console makes it easy to configure connectivity, import metadata, and manage the runtime server.图形化工具――图形化的控制使配置连接,导入数据和管理不间断运行的服务器变的简单。

8.What commission do you usually pay for your exports? As you know, we import on commission basis.通常情况下你们给出口商多少的回扣?你知道的,我们是一个委托进口商。

9.Rising import costs contributed to a spght increase in the company's prices across the board in May, he says.他说,由于进口成本不断增加,公司产品的价格今年5月全面小幅上涨。

10.The next steps demonstrate how to import two schema files with an include dependency between them.下面的步骤将演示如何通过它们之间的包含依赖关系来导入两个架构文件。