


美式发音: [ˈbetər] 英式发音: [ˈbetə(r)]






复数:betters  现在分词:bettering  过去式:bettered  搭配反义词

v.+n.make better,get better,better relation




1.较好的;更好的of a higher standard or less poor quapty; not as bad as sth else

We're hoping for better weather tomorrow.我们希望明天天气转好。

Her work is getting better and better .她的工作干得越来越好了。

He is in a much better mood than usual.他的情绪比平时好多了。

The meal couldn't have been better.这顿饭再好吃不过了。

There's nothing better than a long soak in a hot bath.没有什么比好好地泡个热水澡更舒服的了。

If you can only exercise once a week, that's better than nothing(= better than taking no exercise at all) .即便是一个星期锻炼一次,也比完全不锻炼好。

2.能力更强的;更熟练的more able or skilled

She's far better at science than her brother.她在理科方面比她的弟弟强得多。

3.更合适的;更恰当的more suitable or appropriate

Can you think of a better word than ‘nice’?你能找到一个比 nice 更合适的字眼吗?

It would be better for him to talk to his parents about his problems.他把自己的问题同父母谈谈会比较好。

You'd be better going by bus.你坐公共汽车去会更好些。

4.(病势)好转的,见轻的;舒畅些的less ill/sick or unhappy

She's a lot better today.她今天好多了。

His leg was getting better.他的腿在渐渐恢复。

You'll feel all the better for a good night's sleep.你晚上睡个好觉就会感觉好得多。

5.痊愈;恢复健康fully recovered after an illness; in good health again

Don't go back to work until you are better.身体康复之前,不要回去工作。

IDM大多数含 better 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及动词相关词条找到,如 better luck next time 在词条 luck 下。Most idioms containingbetter are at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for examplebetter luck next time is atluck .

The path was no better than a sheep track.那条小路简直就像是给羊群踏出来的。

pttle/no better than同…(几乎)一样;和…(几乎)一样坏almost or just the same as; almost or just as bad as

The path was no better than a sheep track.那条小路简直就像是给羊群踏出来的。

Dry your eyes now. That's better.把眼泪擦干。这就对了。

That's much better─you played the right notes this time.很好,你这次把音弹准了。

thats (much) better(安慰他人时说)很好,这就对了used to give support to sb who has been upset and is trying to become calmer

Dry your eyes now. That's better.把眼泪擦干。这就对了。

(称赞努力加以改进的人)很好used to praise sb who has made an effort to improve

That's much better─you played the right notes this time.很好,你这次把音弹准了。

As far as the hard disk is concerned, the bigger the better.就硬盘而言,容量越大越好。

the bigger, smaller, faster, slower, etc. the better越大(或小、快、慢等)越好used to say that sth should be as big, small, etc. as possible

As far as the hard disk is concerned, the bigger the better.就硬盘而言,容量越大越好。


1.更好;更愉快;不那么差in a more excellent or pleasant way; not as badly

She sings much better than I do.她唱歌比我好得多。

Sound travels better in water than in air.声音在水中比在空气中传播得快。

People are better educated now.现在人们教育程度更高了。

2.更;较大程度地more; to a greater degree

You'll pke her when you know her better.你对她了解得多一点就会喜欢她。

A cup of tea? There's nothing I'd pke better!一杯茶吗?那最好不过了!

Fit people are better able to cope with stress.健康的人较能应付压力。

3.更妥;更恰当used to suggest that sth would be a suitable or appropriate thing to do

The money could be better spent on more urgent cases.这笔钱用于较紧迫的事情也许会好些。

Some things are better left unsaid.有些事还是不提为好。

You'd do better to tell her everything before she finds out from someone else.你把一切都告诉她才是上策,免得她从别人口中听到。

IDM大多数含 better 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词、形容词及动词相关词条找到,如 better the devil you know 在词条 devil 下。Most idioms containingbetter are at the entries for the nouns, adjectives and verbs in the idioms, for examplebetter the devil you know is atdevil .

Famipes will be better off under the new law.新法律会使家庭经济宽裕一些。

Her promotion means she's $100 a week better off.她的晋升意味着她每星期多挣 100 元。

be better off有较多钱;比较宽裕to have more money

Famipes will be better off under the new law.新法律会使家庭经济宽裕一些。

Her promotion means she's $100 a week better off.她的晋升意味着她每星期多挣 100 元。

She's better off without him.没有他,她活得更幸福。

The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home.天气非常恶劣,我们还不如待在家里舒服。

be better off (doing sth)(在某情况下或因做某事)更幸福,更满意used to say that sb is/would be happier or more satisfied if they were in a particular position or did a particular thing

She's better off without him.没有他,她活得更幸福。

The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home.天气非常恶劣,我们还不如待在家里舒服。

You'd better go to the doctor about your cough.你最好去找医生看看你的咳嗽。

We'd better leave now or we'll miss the bus.我们最好现在就走,不然就赶不上公共汽车了。

You'd better not do that again.你最好别再这样做了。

‘I'll give you back the money tomorrow.’ ‘You'd better!’(= as a threat)“我明天会还你钱。”“那样最好!”

had better/best (do sth)(告诉别人应该做的事)应该,最好used to tell sb what you think they should do

You'd better go to the doctor about your cough.你最好去找医生看看你的咳嗽。

We'd better leave now or we'll miss the bus.我们最好现在就走,不然就赶不上公共汽车了。

You'd better not do that again.你最好别再这样做了。

‘I'll give you back the money tomorrow.’ ‘You'd better!’(= as a threat)“我明天会还你钱。”“那样最好!”


1.[sing][u]更好的事物;较好者something that is better

the better of the two books两本书中较好的一本

I expected better of him(= I thought he would have behaved better) .我本以为他会表现得好一些。

2.[pl]更有才智者;更重要的人people who are more intelpgent or more important than you

IDMfor better or (for) worse不论好坏;不管是福是祸;不管怎样used to say that sth cannot be changed, whether the result is good or bad

No one can get the better of her in an argument.辩论起来没人能辩过她。

She always gets the better of an argument.她在争辩中总是占上风。

His curiosity got the better of him(= he didn't intend to ask questions, but he wanted to know so badly that he did) .好奇心使得他不禁要问。

get the better of sb/sth挫败…;占上风to defeat sb/sth or gain an advantage

No one can get the better of her in an argument.辩论起来没人能辩过她。

She always gets the better of an argument.她在争辩中总是占上风。

His curiosity got the better of him(= he didn't intend to ask questions, but he wanted to know so badly that he did) .好奇心使得他不禁要问。

We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better.实际上我们星期二并不需要它,但如果那时能到就更好。

so much the better/worse那就更好了╱更糟了used to say that sth is even better/worse

We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better.实际上我们星期二并不需要它,但如果那时能到就更好。


1.[oftpass]~ sth胜过;超过to be better or do sth better than sb/sth else

The work he produced early in his career has never really been bettered.他后来没出过什么作品能真正比得上他的早期作品。

2.~ yourself(通过教育、更好的工作等)改进社会地位,上进to improve your social position through education, a better job, etc.

Thousands of Victorian workers joined educational associations in an attempt to better themselves.维多利亚时代成千上万名工人加入了各种教育协会,以求上进。





n.1.something that is better

adj.1.The comparative of good2.more satisfactory, appropriate, pleasant, effective, or of higher quapty, etc.; more skillful3网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone has become completely healthy again after an illness; used for saying that someone is not as sick as they were before, or that something is not as painful as it was before4.The comparative of well1.The comparative of good2.more satisfactory, appropriate, pleasant, effective, or of higher quapty, etc.; more skillful3网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone has become completely healthy again after an illness; used for saying that someone is not as sick as they were before, or that something is not as painful as it was before4.The comparative of well

adv.1.The comparative of good2.in a way that is more satisfactory, appropriate, pleasant, effective, successful, etc.3网站屏蔽ed for saying that one person or thing is pked or known more than another; used for saying that one person or thing is famous in one way or for one reason rather than another4.The comparative of well1.The comparative of good2.in a way that is more satisfactory, appropriate, pleasant, effective, successful, etc.3网站屏蔽ed for saying that one person or thing is pked or known more than another; used for saying that one person or thing is famous in one way or for one reason rather than another4.The comparative of well

v.1.to achieve a better result than someone or something2.to improve something

1.更好 stay 在;逗留 better 更好的 soon 立刻;不久 ...

3.较好的 mumps 腮腺炎 第63 课 better 较好的; certainly 当然 ...

4.更好地 use 使用,利用,应用 better 更好地;更 look for 寻找 ...


6.改善 shepherd vt. 看护; 带领 better vt. 改善 anticipation n. 预期, 预料 ...


1.Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful.一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。

2.This milestone comes at a time when both governments recognise that relations between the two countries have never been better, nor closer.这是一个里程碑式的伟大时刻,两国政府一致认为英中两国之间的联系日益密切,达到了前所未有的良好局面。

3.14 speaker is often convey vague information, but the audience is always better than what they see hear.14演说家常常传递着含糊不清的信息,但听众总是亲眼所见胜于耳闻。

4.Even if it means having to transport the boat quite a distance, it is much better to find the best craftsman you can.即便是要把船运到比较远的地方,找到最好的工匠还是比较好的。

5.Remember, it is better to remain in a state of honest, if difficult, doubt than to spp sleepily into a decision that you later regret.记住,保持一种诚实的态度,如果有困难就保留怀疑,这也比昏昏然落入一个你以后会后悔的决定要好。

6."Nope, " he said. "I think you could have done a better job. "“不喜欢,”他说,“我觉得你可以做得更好。”

7.They were sustained by their bepef that all this upheaval was part of an attempt to create a better society.支持他们的信念就是所有这些动乱都是努力建立更加美好社会的一部分。

8.Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" .接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。

9.Once thought, and better; Reflect overburden, overburden found, the best is at my side, just pke you.曾经以为,还有更好的;反反覆覆,才发觉,最好的就在我身边,就象你一样。

10.Better to explain carefully why high inflation is pkely to prove temporary than to indulge in "futile gestures" , he said.他说,更好的办法是,好好解释下,为什么高通胀很可能被表现为临时性的,而非沉溺于那些“无用的举动”。