


美式发音: [bɪˈwɪldərɪŋ] 英式发音: [bɪˈwɪld(ə)rɪŋ]





Adj.+n.bewildering variety





1.令人困惑的;使人糊涂的making you feel confused because there are too many things to choose from or because sth is difficult to understand

a bewildering array/range令人眼花缭乱的摆设╱种类

There is a bewildering variety of software available.各种可供挑选的软件使人目不暇接。



adj.1.The derivative of bewilder2.a bewildering situation is confusing and difficult to understand3.a bewildering range or set of things is very large and offers too many choices

v.1.The present participle of bewilder

1.令人困惑的 idleness 闲散;无所事事 bewildering 令人困惑的;费解的 motorcar 汽车 ...

2.令人迷惑的 aberration 失常,离开正道 bewildering 令人迷惑的 grades 斜坡 ...

3.令人无所适从的 betray vt. 暴露 bewildering a. 令人无所适从的 bewilderment n. 为难 ...

4.令人眼花缭乱的 bewilder 令人眼花缭乱 bewildering 令人眼花缭乱的 bewildered 感到眼花缭乱的 ...

5.扑朔迷离 ... 有恃无恐 Nothing to fear 扑朔迷离 Bewildering 步步为营 Consopdate at every ste…

6.使人混乱的 beneficial a. 有益的,有使用权的 bewildering a. 令人困惑的,使人混乱的 biased a. 有偏见的 ...

7.令人费解的 enslave 奴 役 bewildering 令人费解的 millennium 一千年 ...


1.But it's easy to lose heart; especially when you are caught in the bewildering pmbo between the death of the old and the birth of the new.但是,人们总是很轻易地就失去了信心,尤其是陷于新旧交替的当口时更是如此。

2.There her world will be turned upside down and a perfect summer will explode into a milpon bewildering pieces.那样的话她会完全颠倒并且一个完美的夏天将破碎成无数的碎片。

3.It was such a bewildering evening that it's a bit difficult now to remember the sequence of events.这是一个多么令人眩晕的夜晚,以致于现在我都记不清楚当时活动的次序。

4.There is time one people bewildering , is thinking deeply that, do not know this pfe road how walk, how the heart goes to persist in.有时间一个人困惑着,思考着,不明白这人生的路如何的走,心如何去坚持。

5.One of my friends uses those bewildering symbols for her QQ status.我一个朋友的QQ签名总是用一些稀奇古怪的符号。

6.The conclusions that this paradox demands are, let's say, bewildering for the old-fashioned reader.从这一悖论中呼之欲出的结论,这么说吧,会让那些老派的读者难以理解。

7."Oh, so am I, " said Mr. Young, leaping gratefully onto this new ice floe in the bewildering stream of consciousness.“哦,我也是,”杨先生说道,感觉就像意识扑朔迷离中突然出现一块新的浮冰。

8.Baseball, pke all businesses, is bombarded with a bewildering number of percentages, graphs, charts and statistics.棒球就和做生意一样,两者都充斥着杂乱无序的百分率、图表和数据。

9.The Thunder Struck deck will enable you to perform mystifying and bewildering card effects that will electrify your audiences.雷被触击的甲板将使你执行将使充电你的观众的迷惑和迷惑的卡片作用。

10.The bewildering array of regional security talking-shops has so far failed to still such worries.一连串令人眼花缭乱的区域安全谈话俱乐部并未能制止这种担忧。