




1.哈佛医学院时间、睡眠质量和结直肠癌风险之间的联系做了补充。”哈佛医学院医学系Harvard Medical School)的张学宏博士(Dr. Xue…

6.哈佛医师之路 医用台语教学 = Medical Taiwanese 哈佛医师之路 = Harvard medical school 漫画医学史 = A manga history of medicine ...


1.George Church, a genome technologist at the Harvard Medical School, said he estimated the cost to sequence Dr. Moore's genome at $2 milpon.哈弗医学院的基因组技术专家乔治•切奇预计对莫尔博士的基因进行测序的花费在200万美元左右。

2.Fepcia Knaul from the Harvard Medical School was one of the authors of the paper.来自哈弗医学院的FepciaKnaul是上述论文的作者之一。

3.His wife is studying medicine at the Harvard Medical School.他的妻子正在哈佛医学院学医。

4.Sample quote: A Harvard Medical School study has determined that rectal thermometers are still the best way to tell a baby's temperature.举例说明:哈佛医学院的研究显示,肛门温度计仍是得知宝宝体温的最佳方法。

5.Non-practicing entities, which have intellectual property but no actual products, include such august bodies as the Harvard Medical School.非执业实体机构有知识产权,但是没有实际产品,哈佛医学院这类众相追捧的机构就属此列。

6.Reports from Harvard Medical School say that alcohol directly suppresses production of testosterone, a major male sex hormone.哈佛医学院的报告称酒精直接抑制了睾丸激素的产量,睾丸激素是一种主要的男性荷尔蒙。

7.The diets studied "had an antique patina, " said Dr. Peter Libby, a cardiologist and professor at Harvard Medical School.“研究表明饮食观念的发展有悠久的历史,”哈佛大学医学院的心脏病专家教授利比彼得博士说。

8.George Church, a molecular geneticist at Harvard Medical School and a pioneer of whole-genome sequencing, is unpersuaded.哈佛医学院的分子遗传学家GeorgeChurch,同时也是人类基因组测序的先驱则不为所动。

9.A new study from Harvard Medical School found that babies who gained weight quickly had a sharply higher risk of obesity.哈佛医学院的一项新的研究发现,体重增长快的宝宝患肥胖症的风险极高。

10.Researchers of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture with rounded edges could help visitors relax.哈佛医学院的研究人员同样发现,靠着墙边摆放的家具可以使来访者放松。