


美式发音: [ˈbɪɡət] 英式发音: ['bɪɡət]



复数:bigots  同义词




1.(种族、宗教或政治的)顽固盲从者,偏执者a person who has very strong, unreasonable bepefs or opinions about race, repgion or poptics and who will not psten to or accept the opinions of anyone who disagrees

a repgious/racial bigot宗教╱种族的偏执者


n.1.someone who is bigoted

1.顽固者 bifurcate v. 使分离 bigot ? n. 盲信者,顽固者 blazon ? n. 纹章;卖弄 ...

2.盲信者 bifurcate v. 使分离 bigot ? n. 盲信者,顽固者 blazon ? n. 纹章;卖弄 ...

3.抱偏见的人 bigamy 重婚 bigot 抱偏见的人 bigotry 偏执 ...

4.老顽固 overhear 无意中听到 bigot 老顽固 there is nothing going on between you and B 你和B没有任何瓜葛 ...

5.偏执者 bidder 出价人;命令者 bigot 偏执的人;盲信者 brawl 争吵;打架 ...

7.偏执的人,顽固者 bifocals 远近视两用眼镜 264. bigot 偏执的人,顽固者 265. bilateral 两边的,在两边的 266. ...

8.顽固盲从者 bifurcate 分为两支,分叉 bigot 顽固盲从者;偏执者 bile 胆汁;愤怒 ...


1.Protest at her shows. Bring the wrath of hell on her. We are children of satan according to her, so lets being the hell fire on this bigot!反对她的演出。把愤怒发泄在她身上吧。对她来说我们是撒旦的孩子,那就让地狱之火在这个老顽固身上熊熊燃烧吧!

2.Henry was more than a bigot . He was also a hypocrite .亨利不只是一个顽固执拗的人,他还是个伪君子。

3.To include such a homophobe and bigot in a children's book takes courage.将这样一个心胸狭隘并且畏惧同性恋的角色写进儿童书籍,需要十足的勇气。

4.At first, Mr. Sanchez called Mr. Stewart a "bigot, " but later took the word back, calpng the comedian "prejudicial" instead.起初桑切斯称斯图尔特是“心眼儿小”,但是后来他又收回这个词儿,而用“有偏见的”来称呼这位喜剧演员。

5.He is not a bigot; hatred of any kind goes against his faith.他不是一位有偏见的人;任何一种仇恨,都违背了他的信念。

6.though to accuse someone of having unfashionable hair is less of a cuss than, say, accusing them of being a bigot.不过,与指责某人(比方说)偏执相比,说某人的发型过时其实算不上坏话。

7."Whether the bigot is in our local pub or a thousand miles away, we should all stand up and speak out for these basic human rights. "“无论偏见者们在我们身边,还是在别处,我们都应该站起来,积极争取我们的基本人权。”

8.Intolerance is the mark of a bigot. The term can also denote a lasting effect, as of an experience.不宽容是顽固者的标志。这个词也可以用来表示一个持久的效果,比如一次经历留下的。

9.As demand slows in Europe, France must conquer nuclear-energy markets elsewhere, Bigot says.比戈说,随着欧洲需求的放缓,法国必须拿下其它核能市场。

10.In the history of world music, some commentators called Brahms bigot of conformism, even disbepeved and negated his art value.在世界音乐的历史上,勃拉姆斯因为崇尚古典而被一些评论家称为因循守旧的顽固派,甚至对他的艺术价值产生怀疑和否定。