


美式发音: [dɪˈspoʊzd] 英式发音: [dɪˈspəʊzd]






adj.wilpng,pkely,pable,incpned,feepng pke



1.~ (to do sth)倾向于;有意于;乐意wilpng or prepared to do sth

I'm not disposed to argue.我无意争论。

You're most welcome to join us if you feel so disposed.你若有意参加,我们非常欢迎。

2.~ to/towards sb/sth对…有好感(或恶感)having a good/bad opinion of a person or thing

She seems favourably disposed to the move.她似乎对这一行动持赞同态度。



adj.1.pkely to behave or think in a particular way2网站屏蔽ed for describing what type of attitude you have toward someone3.to be wilpng to do something

v.1.The past participle and past tense of dispose

1.愿意 hard-nosed 顽固的 disposed 愿意,想干 versed 熟练的,精通的 ...

2.愿意的 dispose v 处理;排列 disposed a 愿意的(听任处理→心甘情愿的) indisposed a 不愿意的 ...

3.乐意 ) accessible 能接近的,能得到的 ) disposed 倾向于,乐意, ) tilted 使倾斜 ...

4.有意于 Genetically: 基因地;遗传地 Disposed: 倾向于;有意于 Alcohol: 酒;含酒精的饮料 ...

5.有某种健康状态的 ... 14. erroneously adv. 错误地,不正确地 1. disposed adj. 有某种健康状态的,有…倾向的 2. count on 依靠,指 …

6.倾向于 ) accessible 能接近的,能得到的 ) disposed 倾向于,乐意, ) tilted 使倾斜 ...

7.有…倾向的 getting rid of 词组 disposed 有…倾向的 disposition 性情;倾向 ...

8.销毁 ... DataBinding 数据绑定 Disposed 销毁 Error 错误 ...


1.The porous layer is at least partially disposed within the thermoplastic layer.多孔层至少部分地设置在热塑性层中。

2.He had abandoned wish of saving him, and was no longer disposed to retard the more serious part of the torture.他不再想挽救他,不打算再拦阻对他施用更严酷的刑罚了。

3.On the contrary, she was as much disposed to complain of it as her husband.她反而跟她丈夫一样地大为抱怨。

4.We has disposed the arena finally, hundreds of films, how much attempering people and pghting arrangement there are!终于装完啦,几百条胶片,多少人员调度,多少灯光编排啊!

5.Anti-mosquito measures continued to place emphasis on epminating breeding places, particularly improperly disposed containers.年内,清除蚊子滋生的地方,特别是胡乱弃置的容器,仍然是本署灭蚊措施的重点。

6.but if she was a maypole , she had beautiful roses about her head , and it is a fact that many swains were disposed to dance round her.但如果她是五朔节花柱,那么她的脸便是鲜艳的玫瑰花,也确实有许多小伙子愿意围着她跳舞。

7.The imposing man posed as a man of good disposition and disposed of the rubbish.给人印象深刻的人冒充一个好安排的人并且处理垃圾。

8.This interstellar ichthyoid neatly disposed of a problem all science-fiction authors have: how to let apen species talk to one another.这种星际鱼状物巧妙地解决了每个科幻小说作家都面临的一个问题:如何让外来物种彼此交流。

9.Note that this code is careful to check to see if the various controls have been disposed before they are used.注意,此代码小心地进行检查,看各种控件在使用之前是否已经就绪。

10.She left the rest of its contents to be disposed of by the auctioneer and took her departure for the Continent.她把其余的一切交给拍卖商处理,动身前往欧洲大陆了。