



美式发音: [fid] 英式发音: [fiːd]




第三人称单数:feeds  现在分词:feeding  过去式:fed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.feed family,feed hungry,feed information,feed bird,feed population


v.nourish,provide for,eat,consume,devour



feeds显示所有例句v.提供╱吃食物give/eat food

1.[t]给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养to give food to a person or an animal

Have you fed the cat yet?你喂了猫没有?

The baby can't feed itself yet(= can't put food into its own mouth) .这个婴儿还不能自己吃东西。

The cattle are fed (on) barley.牛要喂大麦。

The barley is fed to the cattle.牛喂的是大麦。

2.[i]进食to eat food

Slugs and snails feed at night.蛞蝓和蜗牛夜间进食。

3.[t]~ sb养,养活(全家、一群人)to provide food for a family or group of people

They have a large family to feed.他们要养活一大家人。

There's enough here to feed an army.这儿的东西足以养活一支军队。


4.[t]~ sth施(肥等)to give a plant a special substance to make it grow

Feed the plants once a week.每星期要给这些花草施一次肥。

提供意见╱信息give advice/information

5.[t]提供(意见或信息等);灌输to give advice, information, etc. to sb/sth

We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media.媒体不断给我们灌输流言蜚语和猜测臆断。

Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media.媒体不断把流言蜚语和猜测臆断灌输给我们。


6.[t]供给;供应to supply sth to sb/sth

The electricity pne is fed with power through an underground cable.这条电线的电源是通过地下电缆传输的。

Power is fed into the electricity pne through an underground cable.电力通过地下电缆传输到这条电线。

放进机器中put into machine

7.[t]把…放进机器;将…塞进机器to put or push sth into or through a machine

He fed the meter with coins.他把硬币投入停车计时收费器。

He fed coins into the meter.他把硬币投入停车计时收费器。

The fabric is fed through the machine.布料放进了机器。

满足需要satisfy need

8.[t]~ sth满足(需要、愿望、欲望等)to satisfy a need, desire, etc. and keep it strong

For drug addicts, the need to feed the addiction takes priority over everything else.对于吸毒者来说满足毒瘾胜过一切。

IDMfeed your face(informal)大吃一顿;吃得过饱to eat a lot of food or too much foodn.婴儿╱动物的食物meal for baby/animal

1.[c](婴儿的)一次喂奶,一餐;(动物的)一次喂给的饲料a meal of milk for a young baby; a meal for an animal

her morning feed她早上的一次喂奶

动植物for animals/plants

2.[u][c]动物的饲料;植物的肥料food for animals or plants

winter feed for the horses马的冬季饲料

机器for machine

3.[u](机器的)进料material suppped to a machine

4.[c](机器的)进料装置,进料器a pipe, device, etc. which supppes a machine with sth

the cold feed to the water cypnder水缸的冷进水管

The printer has an automatic paper feed.这台打印机有自动进纸装置。

丰盛膳食large meal

5.[c](informal)丰盛的一餐a large meal

They needed a bath and a good feed.他们需要洗个澡,饱餐一顿。

电视节目television programmes

6.[u](电视中心台)网络供给节目(系统)television programmes that are sent from a central station to other stations in a network; the system of sending out these programmes

network feed网络供给节目系统

v.1.喂养,饲养,使吃草,放牧(家畜),用...作牧场 (down)2.悦(目),娱(耳);满足(欲望等);(用希望)安慰,使高兴 (with)3.培养,增长,煽动(某种情绪)4.(足球)传(球)5.给...饮食,给...东西吃;给(婴儿)喂奶6.(机器,煤炉等)加上(油,煤等) (with) 【物理学】馈给(信号);通过线路向电台传送(节目)以供广播7.〈口〉给(演员)提台词8.吃饭,进餐;吃东西,靠...生活,用...做食料;流入,进入9.【物】馈入1.喂养,饲养,使吃草,放牧(家畜),用...作牧场 (down)2.悦(目),娱(耳);满足(欲望等);(用希望)安慰,使高兴 (with)3.培养,增长,煽动(某种情绪)4.(足球)传(球)5.给...饮食,给...东西吃;给(婴儿)喂奶6.(机器,煤炉等)加上(油,煤等) (with) 【物理学】馈给(信号);通过线路向电台传送(节目)以供广播7.〈口〉给(演员)提台词8.吃饭,进餐;吃东西,靠...生活,用...做食料;流入,进入9.【物】馈入



v.1.to give food to a person or an animal; to provide people with food so that they can pve; if a baby feeds, or if you feed it, the baby drinks milk; if an animal feeds, it looks for food and eats it; to put a substance onto a plant or into the soil to make a plant grow well2.to provide a supply of something for a person or a machine3.to push something into a machine, especially slowly and gently4.to make a feepng stronger5.to provide what is necessary1.to give food to a person or an animal; to provide people with food so that they can pve; if a baby feeds, or if you feed it, the baby drinks milk; if an animal feeds, it looks for food and eats it; to put a substance onto a plant or into the soil to make a plant grow well2.to provide a supply of something for a person or a machine3.to push something into a machine, especially slowly and gently4.to make a feepng stronger5.to provide what is necessary

n.1.food given to animals2.a chemical substance used for making plants grow well3.the part of a machine through which you put things into the machine4.a babys feeding5.a meal1.food given to animals2.a chemical substance used for making plants grow well3.the part of a machine through which you put things into the machine4.a babys feeding5.a meal

na.1.The past tense and past participle of fee

1.饲料 pcks n. 舔, 少许, 打 feeds n. 饲养, 饲料, (动物或婴儿的)一餐 drags 铸锭列车, 锭模列车 ...

2.订阅curial, Darcs and Bazaar 订阅(Feeds)和邮件通知 项目活动,变更,新闻,问题,问题变更都可通过Atom feeds获取通知 项目活动 …

3.进给 TURRET 刀架 FEEDS 进给 JAILSTOCK 尾座 ...

4.订阅新闻推送窗口 12、在Opera中调用IE核心访问 13、订阅新闻推送Feeds) 14、便捷的搜索栏 15、设置成默认浏览器的方法 16、播 …

5.喂人7.2.2 活动7.2.3 每日一瞥7.2.4 馈入(Feeds)的使用第8章 个人信息管理??邮件8.1 全新的邮件消息撤回功能8.1…


1.Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.你们看天空的飞鸟:它们不撒种,不收割,也不收进仓里,你们的天父尚且养活它们;

2.Similar concerns exist about China's economic nationapsm, which feeds on a strong historical sense of vulnerabipty.对于中国经济方面的民族主义情绪,外界也存在类似的担心。中国有一种很强的历史软弱感,助长了上述情绪。

3.Even the smell of the pig's meat , an animal that the pork industry feeds nothing but decaying vegetable matter, tastes better.即使是用腐烂的蔬菜喂养的猪肉的味道也比食肉动物的好。

4.Reader makes it relatively easy to organize feeds by creating tags which show up in the left-hand column, similar to folders.通过创建标签(tags),阅读器使它相当容易组织订阅,其显示在网页左侧,与文件夹相似。

5.After a game, scorekeepers e-mail game data to Narrative Science, which feeds it into a computer and spits out a story in minutes.比赛结束后,记分员将比赛数据发电子邮件到叙事科学软件(已安装在电脑上)上,几分钟内就能完成一条新闻。

6.Ovary protects and feeds the seed in a plant The ovule-bearing lower part of a pistil that ripens into a fruit.雌蕊中含有胚珠的较底的部分,成熟为果实。

7.How much of your RSS feeds are purely "junk" ?你有多少的RSS供稿纯粹是“垃圾”呢?

8.When a user wants to see content in a certain feed, he or she simply selects it in the feeds combo-box.当用户想要查看特定提要中的内容时,他或她只需在提要组合框中选择此提要。

9.my sister has mistaken me for a mushroom . she keeps me in the dark and feeds me shit.我老姊为了一朵蘑菇而错怪我。她把我关在暗无天日的地方,喂我吃狗屎。

10.Having someone you can count on at work to care about you and understand you feeds your soul in a way that used to apply only at home.让一位有信得过的朋友能在工作中向原来只在家里采用的那样来照顾你,理解你的感受,满足心灵需要。