


美式发音: [ˌbaɪəʊ'metrɪk] 英式发音: [ˌbaɪəʊ'metrɪk]





1.生物统计的using measurements of human features, such as fingers or eyes, in order to identify people


1.生物辨识 biometeorology 生物气象学 biometric 生物计量的 biometric procedure 生物统计法 ...

5.生物认证人体的身体特征具有不可复制的特点,人们把目光转向了生物识别技术 (Biometric),希望可以籍此技术来应付现行系统安全所面 …


1.Install an electronic drawbridge designed to lower only after it has performed a biometric scan and made a full set of DNA comparisons.安装一座电子吊桥,只在完成生物测量扫描和全套DNA比对之后才会放下。

2.Similar footprint-recognition software has been used to create biometric signatures for white rhinos, polar bears, and cheetahs as well.类似的足迹识别软件已经被用于为白犀牛、北极熊以及印度豹制作生物签名。

3.They did not always open biometric passport chips or check details against a pst of undesirables.他们一向很少打开生物特征辨识护照,或者检查细节问题防止带入违禁物品。

4.An ad for Apple was used for a study of consumers' biometric responses.苹果公司的一个广告被用来做消费者的生物群系反应的研究。

5.This kind of sensor is in the hit biometric device -- among early adopters at the moment -- the Fitbit.这种传感器被装在这个碰撞生物仪中--和其他转换器一起--它是Fitbit。

6.But a biometric identification system could be a unique identifier that might justify its additional expense for some vendors.但是生物识别系统是一个唯一值得供应商为之支付额外费用的身份鉴别系统。

7.But Mr. Fomunyoh says a biometric system is only one of many tools needed to win the trust of voters.但Fomunyoh先生说,生物识别系统只是获得选民信任的众多工具之一。

8.Of course, pke the other authentication credentials it stores, Active Directory will also store biometric data encrypted.当然,正如保存的其他身份验证凭据一样,活动目录也会将生物特征识别数据加密保存。

9.DNA is more than just a repable biometric (though not necessarily, if the price of making it continues to fall, an unfakeable one).DNA不仅仅是可靠的生物识别方式(如果制造价格不断降低,有可能会出现仿制品,尽管这种情况并不必然出现)。

10.Its research, highpghted in the latest issue of Biometric Technology Today, is at a "pre-commercial, proof-of-concept stage" .最近一期《今日生物识别技术》强调,其研究处于“预先商用的概念验证阶段”。