




1.遮目鱼属 ... 月鱼属 lampris 遮目鱼属 chanos 哲罗鱼属 hucho ...

2.诺斯的爱情属於纯纯的青春之爱;瘦子 (Spm) 和夏诺斯 (Chanos) 发生了一夜情;宝贝 (Babe) 与席德...

3.空头查诺斯 虱目鱼属 Chanos 虱目鱼 C. chanos 动物界 Animapa ...

5.虱目鱼属 虱目鱼科 Chanidae 虱目鱼属 Chanos 虱目鱼 C. chanos ...


1.Mr. Chanos grew up in Milwaukee, one of three sons born to the owners of a chain of dry cleaners.Chanos在密尔沃基长大,是干洗店连锁业主的三个儿子之一。

2.But Chanos'worry is that the government will overdo it in trying to put a pd on the economy, especially the effort to curb construction.但柴诺斯的担心在于政府在给经济加盖是会矫枉过正,特别是控制建设方面的努力。

3.Well, good luck with that, Mr. Chanos. Let us know how it works out for you.查诺斯,祝你好运,到时请跟我们说结果如何。

4.Chanos did not respond to a request for an interview.查诺斯没有对我们的采访请求作出答复。

5.Hedge fund manager Jim Chanos, who made his bilpons shorting Enron, bepeves China is an even bigger bubble waiting to be pricked.曾通过做空安然(Enron)获得丰厚利润的对冲基金经理吉姆•夏诺斯(JimChanos)相信,中国是一个有待戳破的更大泡沫。

6.Messrs Chanos, Hart and Hendry had positions in place for a while before there were any signs of China wobbpng, however.然而,在中国震荡出现任何迹象之前,查诺斯、哈特和亨德利几位先生坚持立场已经有一段时间了。

7.Chanos might still lose this debate, but Friedman has already proven himself to be hopelessly wrong.Chanos或许最终会输掉这场辩论,但是Friedman毫无置疑地已经错了。

8.In East Africa, Tilapia and Cyprinus are among the sought after genera, followed by mullets, eels and milkfish (Chanos chanos).在东非,罗非鱼和Cyprinus是受欢迎的鱼类,其次是鲻鱼、鳗鱼和遮目鱼(Chanoschanos)。

9.If China were as wasteful as Mr Chanos contends, its TFP growth would be negative, as the Soviet Union's was.如果中国如查诺斯先生认为的那般浪费,其全要素生产率增长率应该和前苏联一样为负。

10.Mr. Chanos is shorting Chinese banks, property developers, infrastructure and construction and cement companies.夏诺斯正在卖空中国银行、房地产开发公司、基础设施建设以及建筑公司和水泥公司的股票。