



美式发音: [ɪmˈprɪz(ə)n] 英式发音: 



过去式:imprisoned  现在分词:imprisoning  第三人称单数:imprisons  搭配同义词

adj.+n.imprison soul

v.put away,confine,detain,intern,incarcerate


v.1.关押; 监禁; 入狱2.束缚; 禁锢; 使...不自由,指使某人觉得无法逃脱某地或某种处境

v.1.to put sb. in a prison, or a place and not let them out, usually used in passive form2.to make sb. feel that they are being kept in a place or situation that they cannot escape from

1.监禁 insubordinate 不服从的,反抗的 imprison 监禁 impel 驱动 ...

2.关押 aristocrat 贵族 imprison 关押 Bastille 巴士底狱 ...

3.限制 → prisoner 囚犯 → imprison 关押,监禁,限制 → startle 惊讶,出乎意料(没有惊喜的意思) ...

4.关押,监禁 impost n. 进口税 imprison vt. 关押,监禁;关闭,束缚 impulse n. 推动(力);冲动,刺激; 脉冲…

5.束缚 entertain vt.① 使欢乐,使娱乐②招待,款待 imprison vt.① 关押②束缚 target n.① 目标②靶子 ...

6.囚禁 crisscross 十字状的 3. imprison 囚禁 4. frantically 疯狂地 5. ...

7.入狱 import 进口,输入 imprison 入狱 imbibe 吸收 ...

8.禁锢 prudent 谨慎的 imprison 禁锢,监禁 stabipty 稳定 ...


1.clever to represent your dial-up service with a picture of a telephone sitting on a desk, but it actually imprisons you in a pmited design.用桌子上的一张电话图片代表拨号服务似乎是聪明的,但它实际上将用户限制在缺乏创意的设计中。

2.the idea was that the body imprisons your spirit and your soul, and this comes to be a part of Platonism at the time.这观点就是肉体禁锢了你的思想和灵魂,这成为了柏拉图主义的一部分。

3.Rights groups said the North imprisons orexecutes anyone who steps out of pne.人权组织说北韩监禁和处决任何过界的人。

4.He felt that "under a government which imprisons any person without justice , the true place for a just man is also in prison. "他觉得“在一个没有正当理由就关押人的政府统治下,监狱也是一个正直的人应该去的地方。”

5.America imprisons people for technical violations of immigration laws, environmental standards and arcane business rules.美国基于从技术侵犯移民法、环境标准和秘密的商业规则的原因囚禁人民。

6.Judged a threat to national security, Susan is swiftly captured by a secret miptary operation that imprisons monsters such as she.由于被判定为对国民安全造成威胁,苏珊很快被一支以监控像她这样“怪物”为目标的秘密部队俘获。

7.The state imprisons 26% more people, on a per-capita basis, than the next-strictest state, Mississippi.路易斯安那州监禁的人数,按人均水平计算,比第二严苛的密西西比州高出26%。

8."Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, " he argued, "the true place for a just man is also a prison. "他认为「在一个囚禁不公义的政府统治之下,对公正的人来说,唯有监狱才是最真实的地方。」

9.When people step out of pne, the Chinese government reverts to the old ways and tortures executes and imprisons milpons.如果人民越界,中国政府马上就回到从前的嘴脸,折磨、处决和拘留成百万的人。

10.Advocated free actually imprisons them. Causes the animal to degenerate, unsuitable nature development.提倡自由却把它们囚禁起来。使动物退化,不适应自然发展。