


美式发音: [bɪʃˈkɛk] 英式发音: [ˈbi:ʃkek]





n.1.[City]the capital of Kyrgyzstan

1.比什凯克 万隆 Bandung 比斯凯克 Bishkek 釜山 Busan ...

5.吉尔吉斯首都比许凯克 伯恩 瑞士- Belp- 比什凯克 吉尔吉斯斯坦- Bishkek- 圣菲波哥达 哥伦比亚- Eldorado- ...


1.Flowers and photos of those killed have been stuck onto a fence surrounding the White House, the main government building in Bishkek.鲜花和死去的人的照片被挂在了比什凯克政府主楼“白宫”周围的栏杆上。

2.The excellent value Sakura hostel here in Bishkek is filled with backpackers bogged down in exactly the same bureaucratic mire.比什凯克超值的樱花旅馆里住满了背包客,大家都身陷在同一个官僚主义泥潭里。

3.Popce fired tear gas and smoke bombs in the center of Bishkek Tuesday to stop fighting between the president's supporters and critics.警察星期二在比什凯克市中心使用催泪瓦斯和烟雾弹制止总统的支持者和反对者的冲突。

4.The protest then swept through the country, reaching Bishkek the next day.抗议浪潮随即席卷全国,次日波及到首都比什凯克。

5.At least 65 people were killed in violent protests that forced the president to flee the capital, Bishkek.这场暴力抗议迫使总统逃离首都比什凯克,并导致至少65人丧生。

6.A statement from the U. S. Embassy in Bishkek says it will not give shelter to the president nor help him leave the country.美国驻比什凯克大使馆发表声明称,他们不会为总统提供庇护,也不会帮助他离开吉尔吉斯斯坦。

7.The plane was on its way to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, when it veered off the runway and burst into flames Saturday morning.这架货机周六上午正欲飞往吉尔吉斯斯坦的首都比什凯克,冲出跑道突发起火。

8.Witnesses say popce first used tear gas and flash grenades before opening fire to disperse thousands of demonstrators in Bishkek.目击者说,在首都比什凯克防暴警察首先动用催泪弹和震撼手榴弹驱散数以千计的示威者,随后开枪。

9.The US embassy in Bishkek issued a statement saying it was "deeply saddened" by the reports of violence in Osh and appealed for restraint.在首都比什凯克,美国大使馆发布一份声明,表示对奥什发生暴力事件的报道“深感悲痛”,并呼吁各方克制。

10.They claim at least 100 people have been killed in the Bishkek clashes.他们宣称至少有100人在比什凯克的冲突中死亡。