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un.1.the largest desert in the world, covering much of northern Africa between the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea.

1.撒哈拉 18委内瑞拉的平顶山区 Venezuela's Tepuis 19撒哈拉大沙漠 Sahara 20南极 Antarctica ...

4.撒哈拉骑兵力(Thomas Dean Donnelly)和《撒哈拉骑兵》(Sahara)的编剧乔舒亚·奥本海默(Joshua Oppenheimer)完成《蛮王柯 …

5.沙哈拉 43.Cyberspace 网络空间 18.Sahara 非洲撒哈拉沙漠 48.Petra 约旦的皮特拉 ...

7.撒哈拉赌场酒店 Rover( 流浪者) Sahara萨哈拉) Tortimer( 托缇姆) ...


1.An American touring the Sahara was dressed in a bathing suit. A Bedouin gazed at him in amazement.一个美国人在撒哈拉沙漠旅行。他身上穿着一身游泳衣。一个游牧民诧异地看着他。

2.It had been used as a burial site by two very different populations during the millennia when the Sahara was lush.在撒哈拉繁荣的几千年中,有两个极为不同的群落把该地当作墓葬之地。

3.A wolf is as out of place in a concrete wasteland as a citizen of the First World would be in the depths of the Amazon or Sahara.狼不适合呆在在由混凝土构筑的废土中,就像那些第一世界国家的公民不适合住在亚马逊丛林或是撒哈拉大沙漠的深处。

4.The Sahara has not always been a wilderness of sand dunes.撒哈拉地区并非从古便是一片充满沙丘的荒野。

5.It is as if this was the Gobi Desert or the Sahara Desert, you came along and took a few pieces of sand off the desert.他说:“这就好比是戈壁沙漠或是撒哈拉沙漠,你走过来,带走了沙漠中的几粒沙粒而已。”

6.The Sahara is known to have had a humid cpmate during the last glacial stage of the pleistocene epoch.据了解,撒哈拉沙漠在更新世最后一个冰川期间气候是湿润的。

7.The Tanezrouft Basin, in south-central Algeria, is one of the most desolate parts of the Sahara, and is sometimes called the land of terror.位于阿尔及利亚中南部的塔奈兹鲁夫特盆地是撒哈拉沙漠中一处最荒凉的地方,有时这里被称作“恐怖之地”。

8.A year ago Ms Haidar was turned back at Laayoune's airport, apparently for writing "Western Sahara" as her country on her landing card.一年前,海达尔在她的落地签国家一栏中填写了西撒哈拉,因此被欧云机场禁止入境。

9.His friends thought he was building castles in the air when he said he would travel to the Sahara.当他说要到撒哈拉沙漠去旅行时,他的朋友们都认为他是在做白日梦。

10.For thousands of years, sand buried the colossus up to its shoulders, creating a vast disembodied head atop the eastern edge of the Sahara.数千年来,黄沙没过了斯芬克斯的肩膀,使得狮身人面像如同一颗巨大的头颅,安放在撒哈拉沙漠的东端。