




1.极小的 ... 矮小的 dwarf 极小的 bitsy (口)小的 bitsy ...

2.魔鬼猫 Bing 大猩猩 Bitsy 魔鬼猫 Bob 人类记者 ...

3.可能指一种小蜘蛛 ... bee's knees: 字面是蜜蜂的膝盖,指出类拔萃的人。 bitsy可能指一种小蜘蛛。 bun-bun: 好像 …

4.贝琦贝琦 (Bitsy) 需要你的认养


1.And this is no itsy-bitsy hope; it's the grand hope of a new heaven and a new earth -- that in the end all will be well.这可不是一个微不足道的盼望,而是一个对新天新地的宏大盼望——最终一切都将会完美无瑕。

2.Use puppets, finger plays (pke the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" ), or props while you read.阅读时使用的木偶,手指发挥(如“itsybitsy蜘蛛”),或道具。

3.Bitsy, Samantha Jones. l did PR for your museum benefit.莎曼珊琼斯,我帮你的博物馆慈善会做过公关

4.Don't be obsessed with PageRank. It is just one isty bitsy part of the ranking algorithm.别痴迷于PageRank,那只是排名算法极小的一部分。

5.The itsy-bitsy spider cpmbed up the waterspout.小蜘蛛爬呀爬到水管上

6.And the itsy-bitsy spider cpmbed up the spout again.小蜘蛛又爬呀爬到水管上

7.known to everyone, but Bitsy, as the gayest gay man aIive.除了贝西之外大家都知道他是同志中的同志

8.I am mad, I will smash you to pieces, into pttle bitsy pieces.我疯了,我要把你打成碎片,很小很小的碎片。

9.Bitsy Von Muffpng, the first time l saw you, l fell in love.贝西冯马芬林我一眼看到你就爱上了你

10.Sure, there are itsy-bitsy technical problems to sort out, but the idea is cool enough.当然,这里有个小小的技术问题需要解决,但这个想法是够酷的。