

car park

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复数:car parks  


car-parkn.— see alsogarage,multi-storey car park

1.停车场;停车房an area or a building where people can leave their cars


n.1.a parking lot or parking garage

1.停车场 be ready for 为…做好准备 car-park 停车场 zebra crossing 斑马线,人行横道 ...

2.车位 清洁服务 Cleaning Service 车位 Car-park 回卷绳柱 Retract Barrier ...

3.有车位 ... 对面巴士站 Opposite the bus stop 有车位 Car-Park 只需$8900/月,3层独立屋 $8900/month,rent a house ...

4.记住了 ... car park : 停车位 car-park记住了 Car-park Planning : 停车场规划 ...


1.000 birdwatchers proved the full pull of a truly rare bird as they visited the Tesco car park in Kent, where it had settled.三千名观鸟者证实,他们参观肯特郡特易购超市的停车场时,看到这种确实珍稀的鸟类相当吸引人。它们栖息在停车场里。

2.The businessmen who pour in on the thrice-weekly jumbo jet from Johannesburg drive out of the airport car park straight into a slum.来自约翰内斯堡的商人乘坐一周三班的大型喷气式飞机涌入罗安达,驾车离开机场就进入贫民区。

3.How much do we charge for parking in our hotel car park?酒店停车场的收费标准是多少?

4.It had been a rainy day and the steps leading to the car park were wetter than I reapsed.雨下了整整一天,通向停车场的台阶比我想象得要湿滑得多。

5.It is something of a rarity. If this were a bird, the queues would be stretching round the car park.它是一些罕见的事情,如果这是一只鸟,人龙会伸展至围绕停车场。

6.I parked my car in what I thought was the dentist's car park. It was actually the car park for the business next door.我以为我把车停到牙医的停车位上,实际上并不是,我的车停在了隔壁一家店的车位上面了。

7.Hopefully, the suspended particulates in the air can be reduced and the design is able to provide car park users a more pleasant experience.有望减少空气中的悬浮颗粒,该设计可以给停车场使用者提供一种更宜人的体验。

8.He found a good place in a dark corner at the entrance to the car park.他在停车场进口的暗角处找好位置可以清楚看到进入停车场的每一个人。

9.A confused tourist tried to drive his car down into a Paris Metro station after mistaking it for a car park, the Daily Mail reported.据英国《每日邮报》报道,一名糊涂的游客把巴黎一处地铁站误当停车场,想要开进去。

10.Car park markings continue up the wall of the building where a Morris Mini is parked. The head- and tailpghts pght up at night.停车场的停车位标志一直延续到了墙上,一辆莫里斯迷你车停在这堵墙上。车头和车尾的灯在夜晚都会点亮。