



美式发音: [skæm] 英式发音: [skæm]



第三人称单数:scams  现在分词:scamming  过去式:scammed  同义词

v.cheat,trick,con,swindle,rip off




n.1.a dishonest plan, especially for getting money

v.1.to get money or goods from someone by tricking them

1.骗局 money-back guarantee 退款保证 scam 骗局,诡计 on that regard 在那方面 ...

2.诡计 vital:adj. 至磁重要的,重大的,所必须的 scam: n. 诡计 skeptical:adj. …

3.诈骗 swag 摇晃 scam 诈骗 sham 哄骗 ...

4.欺诈 26.scalp 头皮 27.scam 欺诈 28.scamp 淘气鬼,捣蛋鬼 ...

5.骗钱 ... 6. gulpble 易受骗的 7. scam 骗钱;阴谋 8. hierarchy 等级制度 ...

6.阴谋 enact 制定,通过(法案等) scam 诡计,阴谋,欺诈 unprecedented 无前例的,空前的 ...


8.欺骗 quest 寻找 scam 骗局,欺骗 Redundant circuit 备用电路 ...


1.I'd learned my lesson after our previous driver scammed me into paying for his son's broken leg (as it turned out, he had no son).因为上次的教训,我果断拒绝了。我的上一个司机也曾向我借钱,说是他儿子腿摔断了,要支付药费。

2.It is possible that Chinese banks are being less co-operative with the US because Wall Street scammed them.由于遭到了华尔街的算计,中国的银行可能不会像以前那么与美国的银行合作了。

3.Checking with one of the big six agencies directly can help you avoid being scammed.直接和六大认证机构之一确认的话,可以帮你避免上当受骗。

4.Milt : And even after hearing Jake's story, you're all ready to go out and get scammed, too. Some people are born suckers.米特:就算听了杰克的故事,你还是准备好要去被骗。有些人天生就是冤大头。

5.My best friend was almost scammed last week by someone claiming to be her cousin!我最好的朋友上星期差点被一个自称是她表妹的人骗!

6.In my travels around Europe and Asia, I've almost been pick-pocketed, scammed, and was even once, in Beijing, held at knife point.在我游行亚洲和欧洲的时候,几乎每次都会遇到小偷从而被骗。更有一次在北京的时候一个小偷居然手里还拿着刀。

7.I know someone who was scammed in this way, and apart from the lost funds, it was a very scary, unpleasant and unsettpng experience.我知道有些人因此上当受骗,不仅损失金钱,还经历了恐惧、烦恼和不安。

8.Doctors alarmed as women refused to be scammed by useless medical tests!医生警戒女性应拒绝欺骗性医学检查!

9.The doctor impersonator who scammed pharmacies was arrested.那个假冒医生,从药房骗钱的人被抓住了。

10.She scammed thousands of dollars more, using credit cards she opened in Karen's name.她骗取了上千美金,随意使用以凯伦的名字申请的信用卡账号。