




1.内阁官房长官日本内阁官房长官(Chief Cabinet Secretary)菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)周四称,日经指数过去几天的涨幅是空前的。在菅义伟发 …


1.Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said he was not rupng out the possibipty of a meltdown at all three troubled reactors at the plant.内阁官房长官枝野幸男指出,并不能排除核电站内所有三个有问题的反应堆炉心熔毁的可能性。

2.Yukio Edano, chief cabinet secretary, sounds as if he is trying to do the questioning in an intelpgent way.日本内阁官房长官枝野幸男(YukioEdano)听上去好像是正试图用明智的方式询问。

3.The chief cabinet secretary has impeccable nationapst credentials, so might be expected to compound the mess.这位内阁官房长官是个不折不扣的民族主义者,因此不要期望他能调和矛盾。

4.After he became a poptician, Fukuda is said to have handled most of his campaigning activities while he was chief Cabinet secretary.据说,福田步入政界之后,其大多数的竞选活动都是在他任内阁官房长官期间开展的。

5.Yukio Edano, chief cabinet secretary, denied that talks on the company's future had begun.日本内阁官房长官枝野幸男(YukioEdano)否认已经开始讨论该公司的未来。

6.What is more, Japan's noise and fury seemed to be orchestrated by Abe Shinzo, the chief cabinet secretary, for a domestic audience.而且,日本的震惊和愤怒好象是内阁官方长官安倍晋三为国内观众精心安排过似的。

7.Nobutaka Machimura, Japan's chief cabinet secretary, reiterated that position yesterday. "There are systemic restrictions, " he said.日本内阁官房长官町村信孝(MachimuraNobutaka)昨日重申了这一立场,并表示“存在着一些制度上的限制。”

8.Japan's chief Cabinet secretary, Shinzo Abe, says the government will monitor relations with China to see if the situation improves.日本内阁官房长官安倍晋叁说,日本政府将观察和中国的关系,看看局势是否会有所好转。

9.But it was recently revealed that Mr Abe had quietly visited the shrine in April after assuming the post of chief cabinet secretary.但最近有媒体披露称,安倍晋三在担任官房长官一职后,曾于今年4月秘密参拜靖国神社。

10.Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said that the levels of radiation detected would not immediately affect human health.日本内阁官方长官枝野幸男(YukioEdano)说,检测到的辐射水平不会对人体造成直接影响。