


美式发音: [blæb] 英式发音: [blæb]




过去式:blabbed  第三人称单数:blabs  现在分词:blabbing  同义词

v.tell tales,gossip,spread rumors,tattle,leak



1.[i][t](informal)~ (to sb) (about sth).~ (sth) (to sb)(向某人)透露秘密,告密to tell sb information that should be kept secret

Someone must have blabbed to the popce.一定有人向警方告密了。



v.1.to tell people about things that should be kept secret

1.泄密 Bind 捆绑 困扎 Blab 泄密 Bog 沼泽 泥塘 ...

2.泄漏 banter( 取笑,逗弄); blab( 喋喋不休,泄漏,瞎说); jabber( 急促 …

3.胡扯 motivational adj. 动机的, 有关动机的 blab v. 泄漏(秘密), 胡扯 simultaneous adj. 同时的, 同时发生的 ...

4.瞎说 banter( 取笑,逗弄); blab( 喋喋不休,泄漏,瞎说); jabber( 急促 …

5.在闲谈中泄漏 ... gab1. 闲聊;唠叨,空谈 blab1. 在闲谈中泄漏(秘密) harp1. 竖琴 ...

6.泄露 bibb 弯嘴龙头 blab 泄露 blob 一滴 ...

7.多嘴的人 bitch n. 母狗;妓女;婊子 blab v. 多嘴的人 blade n. 叶;刃;扁平的部份;荡子 ...

8.泄露秘密 ... 15. bamboozle <口>欺骗,使迷惑; 18. blab 瞎说乱讲,泄露秘密; 19. boggle 踌躇,犹豫;退缩;惊恐; ...


1.And especially for the sports ones, you can meet a lot of young as you and develop sociabipty and blab la bla.他们会特别鼓励运动性社团,因为你可以遇到很多同龄的人,藉以训练社交技巧等等的。

2.No sirree, I'm telpng you! It is bad luck! If you want some bad luck, I'll blab it out, but if you wanna be safe . . .不行,先生,我说了不行。会带来霉运的!如果你想要霉运的话,我会说出来的,但是如果你们想要安全点儿的话……

3.My compatriots, as you blab here, can you really say you love your country? Ask yourself, how many of you are not moths as well?我的同胞,你们在这儿大放厥词的时候,你能说你真的爱国吗?扪心自问,你们当中有多少不是飞蛾呢?

4.She doesn't blab in a careless way, she blabs in a fully calculated way, with my BEST interests at heart. And there's the rub.她跟人谈起我来并不是口无遮拦,而是用心良苦,一心只想维护我的最大利益。但是问题难就难在这里。

5.I managed to escape. If you blab about it carelessly, the popce will come running.我勉强逃了出来,如果妳到处跟人说的话,可是会有警察跑来的。

6.She's OK, but she always pkes to blab about how successful her husband is.她还可以啦,不外她老爱提她老公有多乐成。

7.Jake: Well I may not, because the competition is really hot. So I don't want you to blab it around until I know I've got the part.杰克:嗯,不一定,因为竞争十分激烈。所以在我知道自己得到那个角色之前,我不要你四处跟人说。

8.Be loyal. If your friend tells you something in confidence, don't blab about it to everyone else.如果你的朋友秘密地告诉你某件事情,不要将它泄露给任何人。

9.I can't be certain my niece will blab this information to everyone, but somehow, I think she will eventually .我不确定我的侄女会不会把这个信息告诉别人,但是我想,这个是迟早的问题,她一定会说出去的。

10.Yet on earth these men are feared, for they know many secrets from the confessional, and often blab them when they are drunk.然而在尘世上大家都怕这帮人,因为他们从神工阁子中知道许多私密事,遇到酒醉的时候常常顺口泄露。