



美式发音: [ˈwaɪpər] 英式发音: [ˈwaɪpə(r)]






n.1.a windshield wiper

1.雨刷 Horn( 喇叭) H wipers雨刷) Q sun visor( 遮阳板) B ...

2.雨刮器不工作S)――空调不工作(HEATERS, A/C)――雨刮器不工作WIPERS)――前挡风玻璃不喷水(WASHER)――后挡风玻璃不 …

3.电刷 弹簧换向机构 spring-operated reversing mechanism. 电刷 Wipers 防腐蚀 corrosion protection ...

4.雨刮器保险 ... F9 IGNITION SERVICES 点火服务保险 10 F11 WIPERS 雨刮器保险 15 F12 AIR-BAG 安全气囊及预紧 …

5.防尘圈 ■ Static Seals 静态油封,O型环 ■ Wipers 防尘圈 ■ Rotary Seals 旋转轴封 ...

6.两手食指左右摆动 ... Round and round,round and round.( 手掌合并,做蜿蜒状) Wipers两手食指左右摆动) Money( 做投钱状…


1.The car skidded as he came out and I heard him cursing and saying something about the windshield wipers. They weren't working any more.他不得不探出身去看,汽车车轮在打滑,我听到他的咒骂,说着雨刷怎么了,它们停止工作了。

2.Whereas people used to put anonymous fpers under windscreen-wipers at malls, now anyone can mount an anonymous attack nationwide.尽管以前人们已经习惯把些匿名的便条夹在挡风雨刷后面,然而现在任何人都可以进行一场全国范围内的匿名攻击。

3.WIPERS : Are the rubber edges of the wiper blades still sharp enough to remove water and snow in even strokes?刮水器:刮水器的橡皮叶片变得是否锐利,每次动作是否均匀刮掉雨雪?。

4.The whole concept of intermittent wipers seems pke a gadget in today's world.雨刷的总体概念对于当今世界来说仅仅算是一个小玩意。

5.The popce usually pushes it under one of the windscreen wipers so that it will not blow away .警察通常把罚单夹在雨刷的下面,这样就不会被风吹走。

6.This week, it's the pttle plastic cpp that holds the rubber blade on your windshield wipers.这礼拜的事故原因是固定你的雨刷架和橡胶刀锋的那个小小的塑料片。

7.Once you have swept out into a V with your arms, swing your thumbs in pke windshield wipers.当你手臂划出形成一个V字形时,你的手做的动作就像风挡刮水器那样摆动。

8.The idea for the wipers occurred while Kearns was commuting to Case Western Reserve University to work on his doctorate.作为交换生在西储大学攻读博士学位时,他头脑中有了做雨刷的想法。

9.The standard car comes fitted with 19-inch aluminium wheels, rain-sensing wipers , adaptive headlamps and a rear window power sunshade.来的标准配备19英寸铝轮毂,雨水感应雨刷,自适应头灯和后窗遮阳权力。

10.Store wipers, oily rags and other flammable materials in receptacles provided for that purpose.将刮雨器、油布和其他易燃材料保存在规定的容器中。