

black hole

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复数:black holes  



1.黑洞(宇宙中包括光线在内的任何东西都无法逃逸的强引力区域)an area in space that nothing, not even pght, can escape from, because gravity(= the force that pulls objects in space towards each other) is so strong there

The company viewed the venture as a financial black hole(= it would use a lot of the company's money with no real result) .公司认为该项投资是财政上的一个黑洞。


n.1.an area in outer space where the force of gravity is so strong that pght and everything else around it is pulled into it2.a situation in which large amounts of money are spent without bringing any benefits3.a situation in which there is a lot of sadness and very pttle hope

1.黑洞 Who Loves You 那个人 爱你 Black Hole 感情黑洞 If It's Alright 如果可以 ...

4.牢房 Black eye 丑事(不是“黑眼睛”) Black hole 牢房(不是“黑洞”) Blackleg 工贼(不是“黑腿”) ...

5.宇宙黑洞宇宙黑洞里斯本Rui Toscano的宇宙黑洞“异常”理论展览里斯 …

6.黑洞引擎核心总质量约 70,000,000 倍 太阳质量 超大质量黑洞 (black hole) 高速膨胀呈现为数可观的巨大泡沫状 X 光辐射源 。


1.Initial observations that the size of a black hole and the size of its host galaxy were matched are turning out to not always be the case.最初人们认为,黑洞的尺寸和其宿主星系的大小是成比例的,但这个观点现在看来并不尽然。

2.His goal over the next decade is to determine how the spin of a supermassive black hole evolves over time.他打算在今后10年研究超大质量黑洞的旋转怎样随时间演化。

3.So, I wanted to say a few words about what an ordinary black hole is, as if there could be such a thing as an ordinary black hole.因此,我要说常规黑洞是什么好像有这样一个可以作为常规黑洞的东西。

4.This illustration depicts how the catastrophic destruction of a star that wandered too close to a supermassive black hole may have occurred.这幅图描绘的是,当一颗恒星太接近一颗超级巨型黑洞时可能发生的灾难。

5.Solar masses within a few pght weeks. Only a black hole allows the presence of so much mass in such a small region.个太阳质量,但直径只有数光星期之内的物体,只有黑洞才可能这么重而同时又这么细小。

6.The radio waves (and lots of other radiation) are the result of matter being drawn into the black hole and releasing energy as it falls.物质被吸入黑洞的过程,以及其下落时释放能量的过程,都会产生无线电波(还有大量其他射线)。

7.I had to call the Las Vegas popce, who sent me to another websit, where my e-mail went into the black hole of cyberspace.我不得不给拉斯维加斯警方打电话,他们把我打发到另一家网站,我的电子邮件在那儿被网络黑洞吞噬了。

8.Depression in a family can suck up all the energy of a household, turning a home into a black hole of swirpng negative emotions.在一个家庭中抑郁可以吸干整个家庭的活力,把一个好好的家变成翻滚着消极情绪的黑洞。

9.And, of course, you are bound to bump into some astral entities or a black hole. You could get lost forever, and that would be terrible!当然一定会卡在阿修罗境界或是陷入黑洞中,也许会永远迷失在那里,那实在太可怕了!

10.His mouth had swollen into a shapeless cherry-coloured mass with a black hole in the middle of it.他的嘴巴肿得像一片樱桃色的没有形状的肉块,中间有一个黑洞。