



美式发音: [ˈkrɒswɔːk] 英式发音: [ˈkrɒsˌwɔːk]




n.1.行人穿越道; 人行横道; 斑马线

n.1.a place marked on a street where pedestrians can cross the street safely

1.人行横道 Safety Zone 安全区域 Crosswalks 斑马线 Bicycle Crossing Zone 斑马线 ...


1.Domination of a space by vehicles There may be a lack of crosswalks, or streets that are too wide, or lacking sidewalks.被车辆主宰的场所——可能是缺乏人行横道,或者街道太宽,又或者是没有步行便道。

2.The solution: photograph crosswalks around the city and manipulate them to show a photo of the crosswalks before they were straightened.解决方法:把整个城市人行道的照片拍下来后经过巧妙的处理使这些人行道展示牙齿没被矫正前的样子。

3.second, the joint part of the main pedestrian realm, including crosswalks and bus stops, are unsafe and inconvenient.以人行横道、公交车站等为主的“进入主体步行空间的交接性步行设施”,存在缺乏安全性和方便性的问题。

4.A field survey was conducted to collect geometric, operational and traffic characteristics of crosswalks.阿进行了实地调查,收集几何,运作和人行横道交通特征。

5.Latina insurance campaign entitled "Crosswalks are safer. " Agency: Pragma DDB, Lima, Peru.拉丁保险公司的广告标题是“人行道更安全。”广告商是秘鲁利马的PragmaDDB公司。

6.During the festival, they turned pedestrian crosswalks in front of their restaurants into giant French fry art.节日期间,他们把店前面的人行横道变成特大份的炸薯条。

7.Crosswalks even got a fresh coat of paint to encourage walking and biking.过街天桥上都挂上鼓励步行和骑车的条幅。

8.Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.在行人穿越道上要礼让行人。

9.when passing crosswalks with traffic signal pghts, they shall follow the direction of the traffic signal pghts;通过有交通信号灯的人行横道,应当按照交通信号灯指示通行;

10.Characteristic analysis of pedestrian crossing unsignapzed crosswalks at urban arteries城市干道无信号控制人行横道行人过街特性分析