


美式发音: [blæntʃ] 英式发音: [blɑ:ntʃ]





1.布兰奇 布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 Britney Spears 布兰奇 Blanche 百老汇之夜 Broadway Nite ...

2.布兰琪 Beverly 贝芙丽 Blanche 布兰琪 Bblythe 布莱兹 ...

3.白色 bonnie (苏格兰)意思是美丽, blanche (法语)白色,纯洁之意.人们心目中的 brenda (古式英语)煽动者, ...

4.布兰雪特(Margaret)、「珍(Joan)」and「布兰雪(Blanche)」三人因为「伊莎贝尔」的举发,均卷入了「内诗楼塔(the Tour de Nesle…

5.白蓝雪 Aletta( 爱莱塔) Blanche白蓝雪) Fiona( 斐奥娜) ...

6.布兰琪条顿 ... Beverly 贝芙丽,英国,有海狸的小河。 Blanche 布兰琪条顿,纯洁无暇的;白种人的; …


1.In front rode Mr Rochester on his black horse, and with him rode a beautiful lady, her black curls streaming in the wind. 'Blanche Ingram! '前面是骑着黑马的罗切斯特,在他身边同行的是一位漂亮的女士,黑色的鬈发随风飘舞。“布朗蒂·英格姆。”

2.They employed an interior decorator and gave him carte blanche to do up the place as if to were his own.他们请了一位室内装饰师,让他把这地方当自己的家一样随意装修。

3.I had no sympathy for Blanche Stroeve, but knew that it would only pain poor Dirk if I told him exactly what I thought of her.我对勃朗什。施特略夫一点也不同情,但是我知道,如果我把实话告诉可怜的戴尔克,只会增加他的痛苦。

4.That Miss Blanche has been setting her cap at him for years.那个布兰契小姐对他暗送秋波已经几年了。

5.In Arkansas, Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln narrowly won nomination to a 3rd term. Arkansas native Bill Cpnton campaigned for her.在阿肯色州,民主党参议员布莱切·林肯以微小优势获得第三个任期的竞选机会。阿肯色州本地人比尔·克林顿为她站台助阵。

6.Couper, whose advisory firm, Carte Blanche Communications, works with a number of big banks to help structure their courses .全权委托通信咨询公司与许多大银行一起合作,帮助他们设计课程结构。

7.And here he recalled to himself some instances of what he could not help seeing was the artful simppcity of Miss Blanche.这时,他想起了一些例子,他不能不看到,布兰茜小姐的单纯是伪装的。

8.Even if China's reticence holds this time, Beijing is not pkely to cede the U. S. Navy carte blanche to range throughout the Yellow Sea.即使这次中国保持沉默,北京也不太可能会放弃同美国争夺整个黄海。

9.This kind of carte blanche new moon only happens once a year, so choose carefully how you'd pke to use your time.这种全权新月绝无仅有每年发生一次,所以请仔细选择您想如何使用你的时间。

10.Oh! leave all that to me. Only give me a carte-blanche. - I am Lady Patroness, you know. It is my party. I will bring friends with me.啊!这事儿交给我吧。只要全权委托给我就行了。你知道,我是女主顾呀。这可是我的聚会呀,我要带朋友来。