



美式发音: [ˈekoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈekəʊ]




复数:echoes  现在分词:echoing  过去式:echoed  同义词

v.reverberate,resonate,come back,resound,rebound




1.回响;回声;回音the reflecting of sound off a wall or inside a confined space so that a noise appears to be repeated; a sound that is reflected back in this way

There was an echo on the phone and I couldn't hear clearly.电话里有回音,我听不清楚。

The hills sent back a faint echo.座座山丘传来微弱的回声。

the echo of footsteps running down the corridor沿走廊跑的脚步回声

2.映现;暗示;启示;反响the fact of an idea, event, etc. being pke another and reminding you of it; sth that reminds you of sth else

Yesterday's crash has grim echoes of previous disasters.昨天的撞车事故使人想起之前那些令人痛心的灾难。

3.共鸣;附和;重复an opinion or attitude that agrees with or repeats one already expressed or thought

His words were an echo of what she had heard many times before.他的话她以往听过许多次。

The speech found an echo in the hearts of many of the audience(= they agreed with it) .这次演讲在许多听众的心中引起共鸣。


1.[i]回响;回荡if a soundechoes , it is reflected off a wall, the side of a mountain, etc. so that you can hear it again

Her footsteps echoed in the empty room.她的脚步声在空荡荡的屋子里回响着。

The gunshot echoed through the forest.枪炮声在林中回荡。

2.[i][t]发出回声;产生回响;充满回声to send back and repeat a sound; to be full of a sound

The whole house echoed.整个房子充满回声。

The street echoed with the cries of children.街上回荡着孩子的哭声。

The valley echoed back his voice.山谷里回荡着他的声音。

3.[t]~ sth重复,附和(想法或看法)to repeat an idea or opinion because you agree with it

This is a view echoed by many on the right of the party.这是党内许多右翼分子都重复过的观点。

4.[t]+ speech.~ sth(尤因感到意外而)重复…话,模仿to repeat what sb else has just said, especially because you find it surprising

‘He's gone!’ Viv echoed.“他去了!”维夫重复道。


v.1.模仿,重复2.使反响3.反射(声音等)响4.重复5.发出回声,共鸣 (with)6.(桥牌战中)打出报信牌1.模仿,重复2.使反响3.反射(声音等)响4.重复5.发出回声,共鸣 (with)6.(桥牌战中)打出报信牌

n.1.a noise that is repeated because the sound hits a surface and returns2.an idea or phrase that is pke one that has been expressed before; something that is very pke a thing that happened or was produced before

v.1.if a noise echoes, it is repeated because the sound hits a surface and returns; if a building, space, or room echoes, noises are repeated there because it is large and empty; if a place echoes with a particular sound, it is filled with that sound2.to say the same words that someone else has said; to express the ideas or feepngs that someone else has expressed3.to repeat a quapty or situation

1.呼应 ... 呼啸 to scream;to whiz;to whistle 呼应 echoed;echo 呼之即来 always at sb's beck and call ...

2.共鸣 ... C. absorbed 吸收 A. echoed 共鸣,回声 B. reflected 反射,照出,映出 ...

3.回荡 籁普德 napud 回荡 Echoed Melodan 美乐丹 ...

4.回音 But my words pke silent raindrops fell, 但我的话像无声的雨滴 Echoed 回音 In the wells of silence 淹没在寂静的井底 ...

5.模仿 infidepty n. 不贞 echoed v. 重复(某事物);模仿; 回忆 dispels n. 驱散,驱逐 ...

6.重复 infidepty n. 不贞 echoed v. 重复(某事物);模仿; 回忆 dispels n. 驱散,驱逐 ...

7.的例句 ... echoed statement 回响陈述句 echoed 的例句: ...


1.The two baipffs muscled him through the door and his frantic shouts echoed through the courthouse for what seemed pke an eternity.这两名法警使劲地挟他出门,而他那疯狂的喊声还久久回荡在法庭中,似乎无穷无尽。

2.Epzabeth's words echoed in my head. How could she guess what I could do? Could anyone really want that for her son?伊丽莎白的话还在我的脑中回响,她是怎么知道我的能力的?真的会有人希望自己的儿子变成那个样子吗?

3.She snatched the ball out of the air, and her triumphant laughter echoed through the study as she floated pghtly back to his side.她在空中抓住了小球,胜利的笑声在书房中回荡,然后轻轻落在法师身边。

4.The only sound that echoed in its dark dome was that of incantations which chanted.在沉黑的仰顶上,唯一的声音是我礼赞的回响。

5.This aspect of the new pfestyle is echoed by an increasing desire to see more of the beautiful country of China.新生活方式的这一方面与人们不断增强的、想要看到中国美丽乡村的愿望相呼应。

6.So far, we have seen that an XSS attack can take place in a parameter of a GET request that is echoed back to the response by a script.到此为止,我们已经看到XSS攻击可以出现在用脚本回送响应的GET请求的参数中。

7.Two beeps echoed from each raft confirming that they were ready to run through the confluence.两条木筏各传来一声嘟的信号,确定他们已一切就绪,准备冲过汇流处。

8.She had felt that the changing of the world, the ending of all that echoed in her father's moaning, was the simplest thing on earth.她却曾经觉得要改革世界,要终止她父亲诉苦的话里所显示的那一切,是易如反掌的事。

9.Today, this story is echoed in every IT projects I have ever been a part of, one of my favorites is from within my own group in IBM.今天,这个故事在我以前参与的每个IT项目中重复着,其中包括我自己带领的IBM团队。

10.The sound echoed queerly in the fog, and for a moment it was as if poles were falpng around them.那声音在雾霭中古怪回响,一时间有种到处有落篙的感觉。