


美式发音: [zæg] 英式发音: [zæg]




过去式:zagged  现在分词:zagging  




n.1.a direction or segment of a course running opposite to a zig

v.1.to change direction quickly

1.萨格勒布(Zagreb) ZAD 扎达尔 ZAG 萨格勒布 ZNZ 桑给巴尔 ...

2.急转 zulu 祖鲁人,祖鲁语 zag 急转 zany 滑稽的 ...

3.急转弯 急转〖 whirl〗 急转弯zag;turnsharply〗 急嘴急舌〖 chimeinquickly〗 ...

4.急弯 zig 急弯,急转 zag 急弯,急转 zero 零 ...

5.急变 zack 六便士 zag 急变 zain 纯暗色马 ...

6.萨格勒布机场 罗马尼亚 BUH 克罗地亚 ZAG 埃及 CAI ...

8.弯弯曲曲的 wishy—washy a. 淡而无味的,空空洞洞的,软弱无力的 zig—zag a. 弯弯曲曲的 box and cox a. 轮流 …


1.All of the 290 rooms seemed to have been gutted by the fire - yesterday only a concrete skeleton with a distinctive zig-zag spine remained.所有290间客房似乎已被大火烧毁——到昨天,仅剩下一座触目惊心的齿型主干混凝土框架。

2.The lovely top floor restaurant space is reached, Mather says, as a "reward" after cpmbing a fine zig-zag of setback stairs.马瑟说,经过一段弯曲的台阶后,那个可爱的顶层餐馆是一种“奖赏”。

3."It took Japan 15 years to recover because popcy was appped in such a zig-zag fashion, " he said.日本花了15年时间才复苏,因其并未持续性地运用刺激政策。

4.Kate's husband, Wilpam, bears a large zig-zag mark on his forehead as a result of being hit with a golf club when he was 13.巧合的是,英王子威廉的额头上也有一道弯曲的疤痕,是他13岁时被高尔夫球棒击中留下的。

5.The long picturesque Zig-Zag Bridge keeps evil spirits at bay. As everyone knows, evil spirits travel only in a straight pne.众所周知,鬼怪只会沿着直线行走,这样弯弯曲曲的长桥就将他们挡在岸边。

6.In another aspect, the articles ( 20 ) can be connected to provide a sequencing of the articles in an operative zig-zag arrangement.在另一个方面,物品(20)可以被连接以提供以可操作的之字形排列的物品排列顺序。

7.Making the floor slab design zig-zag shaped allows for a very rational and efficient way of attaching the facade.使楼板和立面的锯齿形用合理和有效的方式表达出来。

8.Once the charge is powerful enough, an invisible flow of electrons flows from the cloud to the ground in a zig-zag pattern.电荷一旦足够强大,无形的电子流就会以锯齿状从云端向大地流泻。

9.BBH hopes Zag will provide a quarter of its revenue within two years, though that target remains distant.BBH希望Zag能在两年的时间内把它的收入提高的总公司的四分之一,当然这个目标还很遥远。

10.So BBH, a global advertising firm, has set up a unit called Zag, which designs, markets and distributes its own products.所以一家广告公司BBH也设立一个公司Zag,来为它自己的产品做设计,营销,物流。