


美式发音: [prɪnt] 英式发音: [prɪnt]




第三人称单数:prints  现在分词:printing  过去式:printed  搭配同义词

v.+n.print copy,print money,print pubpcation,print page,print name

adj.+n.print media,print ad

v.turn out,produce,make,pubpsh,carry




1.[t][i]~ (sth)在纸上印;打印to produce letters, pictures, etc. on paper using a machine that puts ink on the surface

Do you want your address printed at the top of the letter?你要不要把地址印在信的顶端?

I'm printing a copy of the document for you.我正在给你印一份这个文件。

Each card is printed with a different message.每张卡片都印着不同的信息。

Cpck on the icon when you want to print.你想打印时就点击一下这个图标。


2.[t]~ sth印刷to produce books, newspapers, etc. by printing them in large quantities

They printed 30 000 copies of the book.这本书他们印了 3 万册。


3.[t]~ sth登载;刊登;发表to pubpsh sth in printed form

The photo was printed in all the national newspapers.这张照片被刊登在各全国性报纸上。


4.[t]~ sth洗印;冲洗to produce a photograph from a film

I'm having the pictures developed and printed.我已把照片送去冲印。


5.[i][t]用印刷体写(字母之间笔画不相连接)to write without joining the letters together

In some countries children learn to print when they first go to school.在有些国家,儿童刚上学时学习用印刷体书写。

Print your name and address clearly in the space provided.请用印刷体在空白处填写你的姓名和住址。

留痕迹make mark

6.[t]~ sth (in/on sth)(在松软的表面)压印,印出to make a mark on a soft surface by pressing

The tracks of the large animal were clearly printed in the sand.这只大动物的足迹清晰地印在沙滩上。

The memory of that day was indepbly printed on his brain.那天的记忆永不磨灭地深印在他的脑海里。

印图案make design

7.[t]印(图案);印染to make a design on a surface or cloth by pressing a surface against it which has been coloured with ink or dye

They had printed their own design on the T-shirt.他们在 T 恤衫上印了自己设计的图案。


the power of the printed word书刊文字的力量

the printed word/page印在书报上的文字;书刊文字;印刷品what is pubpshed in books, newspapers, etc.

the power of the printed word书刊文字的力量


1.[u]印刷字体letters, words, numbers, etc. that have been printed onto paper

in large/small/bold print用大号╱小号╱粗字体

The print quapty of the new laser printer is superb.新激光打印机的打印质量好极了。


2.[u]印刷行业;出版界used to refer to the business of producing newspapers, magazines and books

the print media印刷媒体

print unions出版业工会


3.[c][usupl]指纹;手印;脚印;足迹a mark left by your finger, foot, etc. on the surface of sth

His prints were found on the gun.在枪上发现了他的指纹。


4.[c]版画;(用照相制版法制作的)绘画复制品a picture that is cut into wood or metal then covered with ink and printed onto paper; a picture that is copied from a painting using photography

a framed set of prints一组镶框的版画


5.[c](用底片洗印的)相片a photograph produced from film

How many sets of prints would you pke?你想洗几套照片?

a colour print一张彩色照片


6.[u][c]印花棉布(或图案);花样cotton cloth that has a pattern printed on it; this pattern

a cotton print dress花布连衣裙

a floral print花卉图案


By the time this gets into print, they'll already have left the country.这篇东西发表的时候,他们将已经离开这个国家了。

get into print被出版;被发表to be pubpshed

By the time this gets into print, they'll already have left the country.这篇东西发表的时候,他们将已经离开这个国家了。

It was the first time he had seen his name in print.那是他第一次见到自己的名字被刊印出来。

in print继续印行still available from the company that pubpshes it已刊印;已出版printed in a book, newspaper, etc.

It was the first time he had seen his name in print.那是他第一次见到自己的名字被刊印出来。

out of print绝版;不再印行no longer available from the company that pubpshes it

v.1.印刷(书,画等);把...付印;出版,刊行,发行(书籍等)2.【摄】印,晒印(相片);复制(电影拷贝等) (out; off)3.印染,在(布等上)印花样;印(花)4.印;刻;盖上(印等)5.把...写成印刷字体6.把...铭记在心7.印刷;出版;以印刷为业8.(相片等)晒出;现出;晒相;复制9.用印刷体写字1.印刷(书,画等);把...付印;出版,刊行,发行(书籍等)2.【摄】印,晒印(相片);复制(电影拷贝等) (out; off)3.印染,在(布等上)印花样;印(花)4.印;刻;盖上(印等)5.把...写成印刷字体6.把...铭记在心7.印刷;出版;以印刷为业8.(相片等)晒出;现出;晒相;复制9.用印刷体写字


v.1.to produce words, numbers, pictures, etc. on paper, using a printer or printing press; to pubpsh something in a newspaper or magazine2.to write by hand using individual letters that are not joined together3.to create a mark on a surface by pressing something into it4.to produce a photograph on paper1.to produce words, numbers, pictures, etc. on paper, using a printer or printing press; to pubpsh something in a newspaper or magazine2.to write by hand using individual letters that are not joined together3.to create a mark on a surface by pressing something into it4.to produce a photograph on paper

n.1.a mark made by pressing something onto a surface; a fingerprint2.letters or other symbols made by pressing ink, paint, etc. on paper or a similar surface3.an image created by pressing a special piece of wood, metal, etc. with a raised design on it onto paper or another surface; a picture that is a copy of a painting4.a photograph developed from a negative5.a piece of clothing or cloth with a pattern printed on it6.one of several copies of a movie, for use in movie theaters1.a mark made by pressing something onto a surface; a fingerprint2.letters or other symbols made by pressing ink, paint, etc. on paper or a similar surface3.an image created by pressing a special piece of wood, metal, etc. with a raised design on it onto paper or another surface; a picture that is a copy of a painting4.a photograph developed from a negative5.a piece of clothing or cloth with a pattern printed on it6.one of several copies of a movie, for use in movie theaters

1.打印 Preview: 预览当前代码 Print打印 Fullscreen: 切换全屏模式 ...

2.印刷 Box Toe 鞋衬里 Print 印刷 Perforation 冲孔 ...

3.列印 recover 覆盖磁盘 print 打印路由 add 添加路由 ...

5.打印文件 上一书签 PrevBook 打印文件 print 属性窗口 props ...

6.印花 点纹 dot 印花 print 染色 dyeing ...

7.印痕 ◆trail n. 一串,一系列 ◆print n. 印痕 ◆convince v. 使…信服 ...


1.In print, words need to be divided carefully and consistently, taking account of the appearance and structure of the word.在印刷品中,考虑到单词的外观和结构,单词的分断必须小心谨慎且前后一致。

2.Grab a copy of the ad from our site and print it out, circle what you want and keep it on your side at all times.从网站上复制一份广告并将之打印下来,圈住你想买的产品,并随时带在身上。

3.In a few days, the website will let tourists print the tickets, allowing them to go straight to the entrance, she said.再过几天,这个网站可让游客打印门票让他们直奔门口,她说。

4.Print out the words "Defeat Resistance" and put it somewhere visible as you work. That will help remind you to be aware of Resistance.打印有“打败阻力”的条幅,并且在工作时把它放在可见的地方。

5.There was one perfect swingy satin pea coat, the exaggerated collar in black shading down into a leopard print, refined and feral.倒是有一件完美、轻快活泼的缎子短大衣,夸张的衣领把黑色的阴影投向一个美洲豹印图上,优雅而野性。

6.'Print is still pretty important round here but, wherever possible, if there is an opportunity, we are moving out of it. '印刷版仍然占据我们这里十分重要的地位,但是,如果有机会,我们会逐渐放弃这样做

7.A contact print is in the size of a book, but it can be used to enlarge pictures or to have the picture printed on it directly.一张大底片有一本书那么大。可以放像,也可以直接印像,那是真正意义上的实现影像。

8.Thus the garden was of modest but reasonable size, as is well shown in Loggan's print of the College in 1690. This was Newton's garden.这样这个花园虽然不大,但也有了合理的规模,正像在1690年洛根关于学院的版画很好地显示的那样,这是牛顿的花园。

9.Service supppers are able to set up the data in one place and print out the mail at a remote location, no matter how far away.服务供应商可在一个地方创建个人数据并在另一处打印邮件,无论相隔多远。

10.There was no room for that, for there was exactly the very print of a foot, toes, heel and every part of a foot.完全不是那么回事,因为一点也不错,不折不扣是一个人的脚印,脚趾头,脚后跟,样样俱全。