




1.布兰科人演绎火热夏日热情。布兰科(Blanco ) 2012春夏泳装迷人型录布兰科(Blanco ) 2012春夏泳装迷人型录布兰科(Blanco ) 2012 …

2.白朗科 “ 萨瑟娜 Salseña”、 “ 白朗科 Blanco”、 “ 科达特 Corriente”、 ...

3.布兰可 ROY (乐伊) BLANCO 铂浪高 BATH 百姿 ...

6.白酒 香肠 CHORIZO 白酒 BLANCO 饭 ARROZ ...


1.Friends of Mr. Blanco's, and fellow poets, say the president could not have found a more perfect fit.布兰科的朋友们和其他诗人们说,总统不可能找到比他更合适的人了。

2.His mother named him Raul Gonzalez Blanco but, as the back of his shirt proclaims, we can just call him Raul.他的母亲给他取名为劳尔*冈萨雷斯*布兰科,不过按他球衣背面所印的我们叫他劳尔好了。

3.The president was touring the devastated region, and was scheduled to meet with Governor Blanco and other officials.布什巡视了受灾地区,然后计划会见州长布兰科和其他官员。

4.Partly, this is because Mr Schwarzenegger did not dither pke Louisiana's governor, Kathleen Blanco, did.部分原因是因为施瓦辛格不像路易斯安娜州州长凯瑟琳•布兰科那样优柔寡断。

5."We found that the regulation of alternative sppcing is different in mesenchymal versus epithepal cells, " Garcia-Blanco said.我们在对间充质性细胞与上皮性细胞的比较中发现,选择剪切的规律是不一样的。

6.In 1865, George began to accumulate parcels of land by obtaining 46, 000 acres of the Piedra Blanco Ranch on Capfornia's Central Coast.1865年,乔治得到了在加利福尼亚海岸的46000英亩的皮亚得拉布兰可牧场,开始积聚大片土地。

7.Ricardo Osorio, right, celebrates after his teammate, Mexican striker Cuauhtemoc Blanco, scored a penalty shot against France.里卡多.奥索里奥(右),在队友身后墨西哥队前锋布兰科庆祝取得对法国队的罚球。

8.Blanco says that platelets are doubly destructive in lupus, ramping up autoimmune attacks and producing potentially fatal clots.布兰科说,在狼疮的情况中,血小板所造成的破坏是双重性的——发起自身免疫性攻击和可能产生致命的凝血。

9.While Blanco has come under fire, Repubpcans and Democrats in Louisiana's congressional delegation have stood behind her.正当Blanco受到攻击的时候,在路易斯安娜州的民主党和共和党的国会代表团站出来支持她。

10.Blanco's experience illustrates the challenge of measuring a multinational company's carbon footprint.Blanco的经历证明了衡量一个跨国公司碳排放的确是个挑战。