



1.Plus, doing so would give them the chance to stress-test their ideas before trying to roll them back into CPython.此外,这么做可以让他们在将想法反馈到CPython之前能有一个强有力的测试。

2.Unladen Swallow was an attempt to bring LLVM optimisations to the CPython runtime, but hasn't seen significant activity for the last year.unladenswallow尝试将LLVM优化引入到CPython运行时,但是去年却没有取得重大进展。

3.These differences determine that Jython scripts can't run as CPython scripts run, as expected.这些差异决定了Jython脚本无法按照预期像CPython脚本一样运行。

4.The software covered in this article has been tested against CPython 2. 3.本文用到的软件都在CPython2.3下测试过。

5.A side goal of Jython 2. 5 is to try to get some CPython frameworks working, especially the web frameworks, for exampleJython2.5的一个次要目标是力图使得某些CPython框架,特别是Web框架可以在Jython上工作,例如