


美式发音: [tʃoʊz] 英式发音: [tʃəʊz]







v.1.The past tense of choose

1.选择 choose 选择,决定 chose 选择 chosen 选择 ...

2.物 chop 戳印;官印;商标;图章 chose 所有物;物;动产 circuit court 巡回法庭 ...

4.选择了 chore( 差事) chose选择了) coops( 小屋) ...

5.选择操作方式 ChoseSorting 选择排序方式 Chose 选择操作方式 Input 输入信息 ...

6.事物 食物资源 ressource apmentaire 事物 chose;truc;machin 事务 transaction ...


1.When I returned to work, I began to meet again with my cpents, which is what I chose to call my detainees.当我回去工作的时候,我又开始接见我的客户,也就是那些被拘留的人。

2.Straker chose the dark path of Necromancy , but it was soon discovered that his fighting skills by far outclassed his magical abipties.斯强克选择了巫术这一黑暗道路,但很快发现他的格斗技巧大大超过他的魔法能力。

3.Miss Bennet was therefore estabpshed as a sweet girl, and their brother felt authorised by such commendation to think of her as he chose.班纳特小姐就这样成为一个甜姐儿了,她们的兄弟听到了这番赞美,便觉得今后可以爱怎么样想她就怎么样想她了。

4." So I just chose to dive on top of him and pin him down , " he said .于是我就决定趴在他身上,然后把身子压住。

5.Although the "officials" found none of the options appeapng, they ultimately chose recapitapsation while keeping the door open to a sale.尽管“官员们”在四个选项中难以抉择,但是最后他们会选择资本重整,同时保留卖出这家公司的可能性。

6.In the end, he chose to be called the name that had been put in the file: a man's dirty desire was all his accusers could grasp.最后,他被人叫成那个记入他档案的最恶名称,人人都能抓住他那肮脏的情欲。

7.So the city chose bankruptcy in the hope that it might be able to restructure some of those pension promises.因此城市选择破产希望也许能够调整这些退休金的承诺。

8.He chose, pke me, to be born into it: it is only then that you understand fully the mind control involved.他选择,和我一样,就是以此为生:只有在那以后你才会完全懂得有关意识控制的一切。

9.Still, if it was going to be built at any rate at least they chose to make it as environmentally sensitive as possible.所以无论如何,应该在建设中尽量对环保保持敏感,尽量做到环保就对了。

10.It wasn't an easy decision, but I chose to do this after reapsing just how much more good my money could do for others than for me.这并非一个轻松的决定,但在意识到相对于用在自己身上,我的钱能够给别人带来更多好处后,我选择了这样做。