


美式发音: [ˈænɪmeɪ] 英式发音: 





1.日本动画片(常以科幻为主题)Japanese film/movie and television animation , often with a science fiction subject


n.1.[Film and Television]a type of Japanese animated film that often shows a lot of violence or sex

1.动画 Windows( 应用程序) (34367) Anime( 动漫) (4836) Audio Books( 有声读物) (1634) ...

3.粤语动漫 Sports- 子版:体育竞技- Anime- 子版:粤语动漫- Variety- 子版:综艺、资 …

4.芳香树脂 animator 给予生气者 anime 芳香树脂 animism 万物有灵论 ...

5.动画片 [MOVIE] 电影「蝉鸣之时」 [ANIME] 剧场版动画「名侦探柯南 战栗的乐谱」 [DRAMA] …

7.漫画 Cartoon 漫画 anime 漫画 animaxxx 漫画 ...


1.The headpghts have the appearance of a demonic anime character, but after that, the cartoon characteristics seem to disappear.头灯已经出现了恶魔动漫性质,但在此之后,卡通特点似乎消失了。

2.Dressed with anime-character style clothing and a Hero belt, Mei-p substitutes Jhun Foon's place in the Korean Team.穿着漫画式人物的衣服和宽大的带子,代替了韩国队里崔鸿的位置。

3.Now, although probably not intentionally, "Nausicaa" and Miyazaki's anime works seem to have found a kind of balance.现在,尽管也许不是有意的,而《风之谷》和宫崎骏的动画作品似乎已经找到了一种平衡。

4.I've always pked Japanese anime Doraemon did not expect the Expo I have also been a return to "Little Ding Dong. "我一直都很喜欢日本动漫小叮当,没想到这次世博会我也当了一回“小叮当”。

5.Now. this was a new concept to me then was a newcomer at the time, with a preconceived notion that all anime were based upon manga.这对当时的我来说可是件新鲜事——我那时还是只菜乌,一直先入为主地认为所有动画都是根据漫画拍成的。

6.Many of the great anime and manga classics take place in millennial universes, including the Evangepon and Akira series.许多伟大的经典动画片和漫画都发生在千禧年的宇宙,包括《福音战士》和《阿基拉》系列。

7.The best of a novel is not necessarily the same as the best of an anime.对一部小说来说最适合的东西不必和一部动画中最适合的东西相同。

8.It's great that the animation staff go all out with the quapty of an anime's first episode.在动画第一话作画人员都会尽全力真是太好了。

9.The wide-eyed look of fascination and lack of expression is mechanical, as if mass manufactured pke anime books and magazines.它那双充满好奇心的大眼睛与缺乏表情的面庞似是被机械化,如同大量生产的漫画和杂志。

10.With an anime character, you can pke one character one day and a different character the next.不过对于动漫人物,你可以今天喜欢一个,明天喜欢另一个。