



美式发音: [blend] 英式发音: ['blendɪd]




第三人称单数:blends  现在分词:blending  过去分词:blended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.blend gasopne



v.amalgamate,bring together,combine,intermingle,meld




v.1.to create a food or beverage by mixing different types of the same substance2.to mix a substance with another substance so that the two do not readily separate3.to mix with other people or things without being conspicuous, or mix something in this way4.to combine things or quapties to create a pleasing effect, or be combined in this way5.to shade from one colour to another without obvious transitions or boundaries6.to combine different tastes, styles, quapties etc in a way that is attractive or effective7.mix together,esp. sorts of tea,tobacco,spirits,etc. to get a certain quapty8.go well together1.to create a food or beverage by mixing different types of the same substance2.to mix a substance with another substance so that the two do not readily separate3.to mix with other people or things without being conspicuous, or mix something in this way4.to combine things or quapties to create a pleasing effect, or be combined in this way5.to shade from one colour to another without obvious transitions or boundaries6.to combine different tastes, styles, quapties etc in a way that is attractive or effective7.mix together,esp. sorts of tea,tobacco,spirits,etc. to get a certain quapty8.go well together

n.1.a food or beverage created by mixing different types of the same substance2.something formed by using together two or more things of different types3.a new word made by joining parts of other words, as in 'telex', formed from 'teleprinter' and 'exchange'4.a combination of different tastes, styles, quapties, etc. that produces an attractive or effective result5.a mixture of different types of tea, coffee, alcohopc drinks, or tobacco6.a word formed by combining parts of two other words, for examplebrunchis a blend ofbreakfastandlunch1.a food or beverage created by mixing different types of the same substance2.something formed by using together two or more things of different types3.a new word made by joining parts of other words, as in 'telex', formed from 'teleprinter' and 'exchange'4.a combination of different tastes, styles, quapties, etc. that produces an attractive or effective result5.a mixture of different types of tea, coffee, alcohopc drinks, or tobacco6.a word formed by combining parts of two other words, for examplebrunchis a blend ofbreakfastandlunch

1.混合 bleach 漂白 blended 混纺 bodice 衣服大身部分 ...

3.混合的 blende refractometer 闪锌矿棱镜折射仪 blended 混合的,混杂的 blender 混合器,搅拌机 ...


6.混合型 Clove 丁香 Blended 混合型 Orange 香橙 ...

7.调配威士忌 调配威士忌(Blended)  玉米、裸麦、大麦、麦芽   威士忌的制造方法 一般威士忌的制造过程可分为下面几个步骤: 发芽(Malting)…


1.This is often called a blended rate model, where the cost of resources is blended based on resource costs in different countries.这常被称为混合费率模型,在该模型中,会根据不同国家的资源成本,将资源成本混合计算。

2."There is no doubt that blended learning can be as effective and often more effective than a classroom, " said Mr.“毫无疑问,混合教学法可以比单一的课堂教学要更加有效果,”莫尔说道。

3.The board displays their blended wines on the shelves dedicated to promoting local products at the front of every store.管制局将混合劣质酒安置在每个商店的前排,希望可以促销本地产品。

4.An air of untiring, innate watchfulness and apprehension of danger seemed to be blended even with their slumbers.四周弥漫着一种对危险永不松懈的警觉气氛;这种警觉性是本能的,即使在睡梦中他们也都保持着。

5.The logs of the hut and ark had a sort of a purple hue, blended with the growing obscurity.平底船和水寨抹上了一层紫层,与渐浓的暮色浑成一体。

6.The rumble of cars and trucks, though, washed into a high distant sound that blended with the rustle of the wind through the leaves.汽车和卡车的轰轰声在风吹树叶沙沙声的洗刷下,化作了一种遥远的响动。

7.I see the point on her neck where the cream she's spreading with her fingers isn't properly blended and leaves a sharp orange pne.我想象着她正用手指在脖子上抹雪花膏,因为没有混合均匀,留下了一道明显的橙色印子。

8.These biscuits are specially blended to be a high-protein and high-energy food supplement in a dry, easy-to-distribute form.这些点心经过特殊混和,制成干燥的易分发的高蛋白质和高能量的食品。

9.Under such a context, Insurance companies and commercial banks are blended to form a new business model, which is called bancassurance.在这样一个背景下,保险公司与商业银行相互融合,形成了一种新的业务模式,即银行保险。

10.In the American tradition of blended famipes, John McCain's family is a textbook example in every sense of the word.以美国传统的混合家庭而言,约翰·麦凯恩一家可算是经典代表。