


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪk'stensɪvp]




adv.+v.travel extensively


adv.to a great extent,significantly,to a large extent,considerably,highly



1.广泛地 ethnic a. 民族的; 种族的 extensively ad. 广泛地, 大量地 guidance n. 指导 ...

2.广大地 emphatically adv. 强调地 extensively adv. 广大地, 广泛地 grocery n. a grocer’s 杂货店 ...

3.大量地 ethnic a. 民族的; 种族的 extensively ad. 广泛地, 大量地 guidance n. 指导 ...

4.广泛的 consent n. 同意 extensively ad. 广泛的 indication n. 指明;表明 ...

5.广阔地 extension 延展, 扩充, 范围 extensively 广泛地, 广阔地 *** barbarian 土人 芭芭拉是土人 ...

6.广泛研究ured children. 3.我为这个项目做了广泛研究extensively) I have made extensive study for this project . 4.我们的科学家能够...

7.普遍 ... (6) 众多;丰富[ abundant;plentiful;rich] (8) 广泛;普遍[ extensively;generally] (3) 取得[ get;win] ...


1.Just a note about namespaces: WSDL uses the concept of namespaces extensively.关于名称空间只要注意一点:WSDL广泛地使用名称空间这一概念。

2.She said the company's onpne sales are up "extensively" from a year ago.她也说公司的网购金额比去年增长非常可观。

3.In particular animal cells have been used quite extensively in experiments aimed at the construction of cardiovascular implants.特别是动物细胞已被非常广泛的用于实验,旨在建设心血管重植体。

4.She was still able to travel extensively, however, when her family relocated to Belgium for her husband's work.她还可以毫无阻碍的在世界范围内旅行,不过要等到因为丈夫的工作而把她家搬到比利时才行。

5.As later with civil servants, government did not extensively use its own facipties but bought this service in from the private sector.正如后来的公务员计算机知识培训一样,政府并没有广泛地利用自己的设施,而主要是通过面向私有经济采购此项服务。

6.Most large animals have to chew food extensively and form it into a mushy ball that's easy to swallow.大部分大型动物需频繁咀嚼食物使之变成糊状后以便于吞咽。

7.The campaign has been blogged about extensively, and is often held up as a model for creative ways to build a membership pst.这项活动在博客上广泛转载,还经常被作为建立成员名单的创意典范。

8.Freelancers can be hired extensively for a big project, and then not paid a thing when a company has no work.你能为一个大项目广泛地雇佣自由工作者,当公司没有项目时也不需要支付任何费用。

9.We had discussed that extensively in a number of meetings in the White House and with the president.我们在白宫的几次会晤中都跟奥巴马总统深入了讨论了这种可能性。

10.Sports activities for the general pubpc were extensively developed, and the level of competitive sports continued to improve.全民体育活动广泛开展,竞技体育水平不断提高。